I would like to know if you acquired this while taking CS as a
preventative? I have always assumed that this and other similar problems
can be avoided completely if an ounce or two of CS is taken daily.


Smith, Michael wrote:

>  Thanks Rob for the suggestions.I'm actually in the process of
> ordering some GSE as well as some Olive leaf Extract as I've heard
> very good things about that too. If the CS, OLE, GSE combo doesn't do
> it for me - I'll also look into the terminatorThanks againMike
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Rob Combis [mailto:rcom...@ensatina.com]
>      Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:14 PM
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Subject: RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised
>      oxygen?
>      Thanks, Mike.  Are you willing to try anything else to
>      complement your CS regimen?? I think you hit the nail on the
>      head when you said that the CS is not getting to the
>      infection.  It can't kill what it doesn't come in contact
>      with.  I think I might have said this before, but I had cold
>      sores for the longest time.  I can't remember when I didn't
>      get them.  I ran into CS about a year and a half ago.  It
>      has been great for me and the people around who are willing
>      to try something 'new'.  Literally everyone who I make some
>      for has been sick free since beginning CS.  It is amazing
>      stuff.  But I would still get cold sores every few weeks or
>      so.  I started using the terminator zapper around the middle
>      of august and I haven't had a cold sore since.  I haven't
>      changed anything else in my daily routine, but I use the
>      terminator zapper.  This is my own story that I figured I
>      would share with you.... So I would add 2 things to your CS
>      intake:Grapefruit seed extract ($20 or so at local health
>      food store) and wear the terminator zapper ($110 online) as
>      many hours of the day as you can.  It is easy to wear. Let
>      me know if you would like more info.  Good luck and I hope
>      this helps.Rob
>           -----Original Message-----
>           From: Smith, Michael
>           [mailto:m.a.sm...@indoverbank.com]
>           Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 10:37 AM
>           To: 'silver-list@eskimo.com'
>           Cc:
>           Subject: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised
>           oxygen?
>            Yes Rob - It's Gonorrhea.Mike
>                -----Original Message-----
>                From: Rob Combis
>                [mailto:rcom...@ensatina.com]
>                Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 2:30 PM
>                To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>                Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and
>                stabilised oxygen?
>                Michael-If you don't mind can you let us
>                know where the bacterial infection is??
>                This may help explain why it is only
>                keeping the infection at bay. I would
>                look at including Grapefruit seed
>                extract into your regimen to complement
>                your CS intake.  It is also a strong,
>                natural anti-bacterial.... RC
>                     -----Original Message-----
>                     From: Smith, Michael
>                     [mailto:m.a.sm...@indoverbank.com]
>                     Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 9:02 AM
>                     To: 'silver-list@eskimo.com'
>                     Cc:
>                     Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 -
>                     CS and stabilised oxygen?
>                      Well first of all there is
>                     the sheer volume of water. I
>                     personally do not
>                     want to spend all day drinking
>                     litres and litres of water and
>                     then having to
>                     run to the toilet to pee 37
>                     times a day!
>                     Secondly - Ronald J. Gibbs
>                     studied the efficacy of
>                     colloidal silver against
>                     bacteria,(which is of
>                     relevance to my current
>                     infection) and concluded that
>                     a minimum of 9 parts colloidal
>                     silver to 1 part
>                     bacteria-laden water is
>                     required for colloidal silver
>                     to be effective in reducing
>                     the bacteria
>                     colony count to one. He
>                     further concluded that a 20:1
>                     ratio provided optimum
>                     efficacy. Any concentration
>                     less than 9 parts CS to 1 part
>                     bacteria-laden
>                     water and the bacteria colony
>                     would not be killed off
>                     totally and would then
>                     start to multiply again. So
>                     what I conclude from this in
>                     my current
>                     situation is that my 2 litres
>                     a day of 10ppm CS for the last
>                     two + weeks
>                     which has done nothing but
>                     keep the infection where it is
>                     is not enough to
>                     totally destroy the infection.
>                     So the way I see it is that I
>                     can drink CS
>                     with a higher ppm (of course
>                     the best quality, smallest
>                     particles,
>                     completely clear) OR I can
>                     drink more volume of the same
>                     CS.
>                     I would rather drink CS with a
>                     higher ppm at the same volume
>                     because:
>                     1: Too much volume of water is
>                     uncomfortable for me
>                     2: The lower ppm CS may not be
>                     enough to reduce the bacterial
>                     colony
>                     sufficiently
>                     3: Not enough CS may be
>                     reaching the the infected area
>                     anyway so possibly
>                     drinking a higher pppm CS
>                     would get enough down there to
>                     do the job.
>                     This is just my view based on
>                     what I am experiencing and
>                     what I have read.
>                     I'm not saying anything is
>                     better than anything else - I
>                     am just trying to
>                     come to an informed solution
>                     to my problem.
>                     regards
>                     Mike
>                     -----Original Message-----
>                     From: George
>                     [mailto:in...@dragonbyte.net]
>                     Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003
>                     9:05 AM
>                     To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>                     Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 -
>                     CS and stabilised oxygen?
>                     The only thing you are
>                     drinking more of is ...
>                     water.  The amount of silver
>                     (in this hypothetical example)
>                     would be
>                     roughly the same.  Why are you
>                     assuming that 10 ppm is in any
>                     way "lesser"
>                     than 20 ppm except in the
>                     gross
>                     amount of silver present?  The
>                     ppm value is only a ratio of
>                     silver to water.
>                     Regards,
>                     George
>                     On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:05
>                     +0100, Smith, Michael wrote:
>                     >I'm sorry but I don't agree.
>                     I'd rather drink 2 litres of a
>                     stronger
>                     product
>                     >than 4 litres of a lesser
>                     product.
>                     >
>                     >regards
>                     >
>                     >Mike
>                     >
>                     --
>                     The silver-list is a moderated
>                     forum for discussion of
>                     colloidal silver.
>                     Instructions for unsubscribing
>                     may be found at:
>                     http://silverlist.org
>                     To post, address your message
>                     to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>                     Silver-list archive:
>                     http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>                     List maintainer: Mike Devour
>                     <mdev...@eskimo.com>
>                     =
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