You might try the Wisk and All  clear liquids. They both come in hypoallergenic
forms with no coloring or fragrance. That is what we use.


Garnet wrote:

> I had a thought about your problem, if your washer has accumulated dirt
> and residue around the tub it can be growing mold and bacteria. I had
> this happen when I tried those ionic discs that are used in place of
> detergent. They do not dissolve grease and oil well, this can mix with
> other residues and start growing stuff. I had to have the tub removed,
> takes a special tool, so that it could be cleaned. I stopped using the
> discs.
> I use Borax and Washing soda since I have somewhat hard water. For soap
> I use diluted Castile, since I am sensitive to many detergents or their
> fragrance. Borax, like oxyclean, which I also use, is a degreaser and
> deodorizer.
> Garnet
> On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 16:24, Tad Winiecki wrote:
> > Mag-  My experience with getting mildew out of towels is that bleach works
> > very well- 1 cup per load.  If you don't want bleach, Oxy-plus, a new
> > oxidizing cleaner, can be added to wash also.  It is a powder and doesn't
> > have the chlorine.  It might also lighten colors.  I also use borax to add
> > to wash to freshen it, found in the detergent section of stores.  It would
> > not have a bleaching effect.  Hot water also helps.
> >
> > As for the fountain, I have no experience with that but CS might do it.
> >
> > Nancy
> >
> > ------------Original message------------------
> > Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 10:50:57 -0500
> > From: "Pow-Map" <>
> > To: <>
> > Subject: CS>Cleaning with CS
> >
> >     Has anyone here ever used CS in  their laundry or even in a small
> > waterfall? I have a lot of expensive towels  that seem to have a mildew
> > smell on them-despite washing and using eucalyptus  oil in the laundry.
> > Also, a small waterfall in my living room that tends  to get a little
> > smelly even after several drops  of bleach.  Would CS possibly destroy
> > these  mildew smells?  After 6 minutes it should kill any bacteria/virus
> > and I'm  assuming mildew-so it makes sense to me but not sure. Thank you in
> > advance, Mag
> >
> >
> >
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