Yep, Marshall,

Good question and observation. Please read "DMSO--the Persecuted Drug" by
Pat McGrady (I bought my replacement copy from Amazon--a 2nd hand, paper
back edition in good condition). I had practically memorized my first copy,
then loaned to several friends, one at a time, until the book forgot to
return home.

When DMSO's medicinal properties were recognized, before the FDA
"blackballed it" the FDA gave many prominent Pharmaceutical Companies the
go-ahead to try to find how useful DMSO really is. The reported results were
astounding! Imagine taking Insulin by mixing with DMSO & applying to the
skin--No stick, No needles. Mix painkillers in DMSO, & apply to clean area
near the pain spot and Voila--quick relief! And other equally remarkable
very effective uses.

Then, as I understand it, 1 FDA doctor that didn't like Dr. Jacobs &
Herschler was able to squash the experiments. The Companiies were told in
effect, "If you EVER want to get another new product approved, you'll never
mention your remarkable results with DMSO". Then lies were spread about it,
the FDA outlawed it with the one exception, IV DMSO for Interstitial
Cystitis is the only drug to relieve this horribly painful problem.

DMSO has been legally used successfully for years in Russia, Europs, Mexico,
Canada and other free-world countries without a prescription.

If I can help in any way, please let me know.
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:41 AM
Subject: CS>DMSO transport properties

I wonder if the use of DMSO as a transport can be an effective alternative
to getting an IV for things like Rocephrin or other things that must be
given via IV to avoid being broken down in the stomach.

Could it be used with codeine or other IV type pain killers?

Just a thought.


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