Not everyone had an adequate immune response when exposed to a cold or
flu, so they get more than their share. 

Stress = high cortisol levels = depressed immune function. 

Add stress to the high carb diet that most of us indulge in and you have
an acid metabolism in a stressed out body, not good for immun function.

Immune enhancing herbs are well and good but many should NOT be taken
regularly like Echinacea and Golden Seal which are often over used.
Echinacea enhances Killer T Cells but you do not want this turned on all
the time. Golden Seal can be liver toxic when taken over a long period
of time. There are many others like Ashwaganda, Astragalus, Oregon
Grape, and others. Each has its own action on the immune system. 


On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 12:58, Jack Dayton wrote:
> silversurfer1952 .   11/6/03 8:58 PM  Wrote:
> > At the risk of raising some people's ire, isn't it a good idea to let our
> > bodies get the occasional cold?  Doesn't that help strenghthen the immune
> > system?  Are we trying to *replace* the immune system by taking CS all the
> > time, or what?  I'm not attacking anyone or any point of view.  I'm just
> > questioning.  If, for example, Marshalee got a cold shortly after stopping
> > her CS, that tells me that CS doesn't boost the immune system, but rather
> > works very much like an anti-biotic/anti-viral.  Not that that's a bad
> > thing, I don't know.  It just seems to me that unless there are very clear
> > reasons for taking CS all the time, are we not doing our immune systems a
> > disservice by not challenging it with the odd cold or flu?
> ***************************
> Hi Elle,
> I see that has occured to both you and
> Ode Coyote. I have noticed that many CSers
> are ignoring the power of the immune system -
> let us not sell it short at our peril.
> A recent article was deploring the excessive
> use of "Germ fighters" - aerosol sprays,and hand
> soaps, because the writer  maintained that the practice
> weakened the ability of the immune system to respond
> when an invader launched an attack that our immune
> system was unprepared to deal with.
> If, as a child, I had dropped something I was eating on to the floor
> I would have been told by my grandmother --
> " You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die"
> I have been involved with the production and use of CS
> for about a year ( I bought my first generator) - BUT
> I haven't had a cold since 1955, of flu since 1972,
> but as Ode pointed out, by 1972 the only teeth which
> I had, had been made for me by a dentist !
> Not all genes are created equal !
> There are nutritional supplements whose purported
> use will BOOST the power of our immune systems,
> and a good investment they might be if some listers
> are experiencing less that robust good health.
> CS does not replace our immune systems !
> Jack
> Be Nice
> --
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