Bob writes:
> Disimiliar electrodes are NOT for polarity switching, but work very well in 
> any
> other arrangement, so long as the non silver electrode is the negative 
> (cathode)
> electrode.

Hi Bob. I'm using silver for the cathodes too for simplicity's sake, 
and since I've got plenty of the wire on hand. What's different is the 
surface area of each. The coin I'm using for the anode has many times 
more surface area than the combined cathodes.

See the attached sketch of the electrode arrangement.

I'm not planning to use polarity reversal on this setup except possibly 
intermittently as a trick to keep the cathodes clean or to stir up the 
ion clouds. What I'm really hoping is that simple diffusion and 
convection will be enough to accomplish that.

Current density will be around 200uA/ at the anode, at the 
cathodes about a hundred times more. (Not taking into account edge 
effects or other field distortions.)

Wasn't there some strangeness we talked about a year or two ago about 
the effects of differing surface area?

FYI, my first post in this thread is here:

Thank you sir!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

Attachment: generatorsketch.png
Description: Binary data