Chromium and Vanadium are minerals that help diabetes.  It is also available
as a colloidal/ionic /particulate(?) solution.  Do a google search.   That,
combined with a low carb/high protein diet should bring the insulin levels
down.  Also use stevia for addition to being a very low
calorie plant that just happens to be 20 times sweeter than sugar, it has
been shown (in China and Japan) to help the pancreas regulate the insulin
levels.  My sister used this combination of therapies when she was diagnosed
and put on insulin in Feb. of this year.  She has normal insulin levels now,
and no longer takes medication for this problem.


From: "Charles Sutton" <>

> I was diagnosed with type II diabetes last week.   I guess CS doesn't
> prevent it.   I hear the feds say there is no cure, so I know there is one
> somewhere.  any clues..??

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