You are on right track.  The majority of vegetarians are not in very good
health;  the others tend to be in excellent health!  Reason?  The majority
of vegetarians are blood type "O" and "B".  Read "Eat Right 4 Your Blood
Type" by Dr. Peter D'Adamo.  Blood type "O" people NEED red meat, almost no
grain for optimal health, and comprise 40 -45% of the human population.
Blood type "B", under the right circumstances can be successful vegetarians,
but do better with read meat and moderate carbohydrate consumption;  they
are 4 - 11% of the human population, and tend to be dispersed in specific
geographic groups.  Blood type "AB" is the rarest, 0 - 2% of the human
population, and in general have a lot of nutrition-based problems; digestion
is the killer for them!  Then the "A"s..........these tend to be the HEALTHY
vegetarians and vegans!  They thrive on little animal protein, get very
unhealthy with lots of red meat and thrive on high complex carb diets etc.
They account for 35 - 40% of the human population, and many of the official
heart and cancer friendly diets are truly good for them.  The problem comes
in when a blood type O is fed a blood type A friendly is
disastrous!   This anomaly may be the key to why we respond SO differently
to various diets.
Note:  the reason why blood type plays such an important role in digestion
is because the genes that control blood type are placed with the genes that
affect/determine digestion on the human DNA strand.  This placement varies
between species, e.g., horses have 8 different blood types, resulting in 16
different combinations, however, on their DNA strand, the genes are placed
among the genes affecting coat, and therefore affect coat color, textures,


 From: "Stuff" <>
 Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes

> I'll stick with my wide variety of meats, potatoes, salads,
> veggies and little fruit and nuts and beer...bread in a bottle.
> Power food. Big boy food. Food for thinking.
> Every vegetarian I've ever known looked like they were
> walking northbound on the tracks and never saw the
> southbound express hit 'em dead on.
> I'll bet ur gonna tell me now that all those vegetarians weren't
> eating the right veggies.

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