Aloha Mike D, Rob, Paula, Jack and Richard,

Thanks so much for all your kind concerns and suggestions. I have not yet gone to the various web sites, as I am loathe to surf with my left hand. The mouse seems to jump all over the place (lousy control using left hand)... LOL

Yep, things are a bit frustrating at the moment, but I am definitely improving. Finally, the itch is slowly subsiding... <sight of relief>

You could be right, Mike, the bruising and itching might be just a herx reaction. Need to wait and see. I remember having a major herx reaction when I first started taking CS about 5 years ago (John Lee did warn me about not taking too big a dosage at first). Came down with fever, chills, vomit and diarrhea for 3 or 4 days. I thought I was dying...

Rob, thanks. I'll get to those sites soon. I like my terminator zapper very much and feel that it is helping me. Another thing I've noticed is that lately I'm a lot less foggy in my brains :-}

Thanks for the offer Paula, I will experiment if it is indeed Iodine Allergy. I'll wait another couple of weeks before trying those shrimps again and let you know my findings. Life would be a lot less pleasurable for me if I have to give up seafood...

Jack, I had been taking 2 grams of Vit. C daily for a while now. One gram C mixed with one gram Cranberry powder in the morning. One gram C with one gram MSM powder after dinner. I'll see if I can add another gram of C without exceeding bowel tolerance.

Richard, I'll be looking at your web site soon. Yes, having CTS is a bummer. I've been using computers since the '80's (remember the Radio Shack "Trash 80"..??) I own one and fell in love with computers from that time on. I'm just surprised that the CTS didn't show up till now... <smiling>

BTW, could someone kindly give me a URL for Potassium Hydroxide. I would google myself if it wasn't for my CTS. Thanks in advance.

Warmest Regards,

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