When I got a cold early on in my CS taking, I asked the same thing and was 
told to take a mouthfull of CS, swish and hold as long as possible before 
swallowing, several minutes if able, and to do that every 7 to 15 minutes for 4 
hours, if I remember rightly. I also used CS as nose drops, and began using a 
small mister bottle to spray my eyes several times a day. Taking a little CS 
frequently and swishing and holding, etc worked better for me than just 
drinking a couple ounces once or twice a day.
The cold ran its course, for a week or so, and I did not develop either a sinus 
infection or any lung involvement which had been usual. It was the first time a 
simple cold had not kept me sick for 2 to 3 months in years. 
  Since I started spraying my eyes daily, (especially before and after every 
outing) I haven't gotten one single cold, and that has been over a year now. 
Somewhat amazing, and very gratifying, as I used to catch every cold that went 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: esl...@aol.com 

  Just wondering how much cs I need to take get rid of a cold?