That is exciting news. I am completely at a loss to understand what is
happening or how it could help at this late date, but if it works, great!


Wayne Fugitt wrote:

> Morning Marshall,
> >It is my understanding that the electricity somehow neutralizes the poison
> >in the
> >bite. I doubt there is any poison left after two weeks, so don't be
> >surprised if
> >it does not help at this time.
>    This has been my feelings also.  However, Dr. Osborn reports doing this
> as much as 5 weeks after the bite with favorable results.
>    We did the treatment about 7 PM.   By 11 PM, I noticed a difference in
> the draining. A different color and viscosity.   I bandage before going to
> sleep with a CS soaked bandage.
>    This am more drainage was noticed than on previous nights.
>     I leave the bandage off for periods during the day.   This am, while
> walking around doing the very limited morning chores, drainage was such
> that it ran down to my sock.  It had never done this before.
>     I can use 3 fingers, pressing down, and moving them around the bite,
> within 1/2 inch, no pain, and the area seems softer.  Something is
> happening differently.
>     I have a number of treatments in line that I have not used yet simply
> because the wound is draining so well.
>     I have had a number of simple infections ( simple boils ) that have
> been many times more painful than this spider bite. The absence of
> pain  has amazed me.
>     Last night a neighbor nurse called me and wanted me to come to the
> office where she works for
> cortisone and antibiotics.   She said, "one week of antibiotics will not
> kill you".
>     I had to say, "No thank you".   Hopefully, I do not need these anytime
> soon.
>     CS soaks, MSM soaks, and Epsom Salts soaks plus the Onion poultice when
> the swelling was bad ( about 3 days )  plus a barrage of supplements and
> vitamin C may have been the key to zero pain.
>     I can only guess what the resulting effect would have been using
> conventional treatment of antibiotics.
>     Wayne
> >But if you try it and it does help, tell us. I
> >would love to be wrong on this.
> >
> >Marshall
> >
> >
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