Check into the art of "cupping"

Basically, it's the formation of a vaccuum by reducing the volume of hot
air in a cup or bottle when it cools.
 One way is to place a piece of toilet paper soaked in alchohol in a tall
shot glass, light it and snuff it out against the skin.
 Another way is to heat the cup in hot water and let it cool against the skin.

 I've even found that squeezing the air out of a sturdy plastic bottle [
asprin bottle] and letting it expand will induce a pretty good vaccuum.

 great for boils and such


At 12:32 PM 12/19/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Morning Marshall,
>>It is my understanding that the electricity somehow neutralizes the poison 
>>in the
>>bite. I doubt there is any poison left after two weeks, so don't be 
>>surprised if
>>it does not help at this time.
>   This has been my feelings also.  However, Dr. Osborn reports doing this 
>as much as 5 weeks after the bite with favorable results.
>   We did the treatment about 7 PM.   By 11 PM, I noticed a difference in 
>the draining. A different color and viscosity.   I bandage before going to 
>sleep with a CS soaked bandage.
>   This am more drainage was noticed than on previous nights.
>    I leave the bandage off for periods during the day.   This am, while 
>walking around doing the very limited morning chores, drainage was such 
>that it ran down to my sock.  It had never done this before.
>    I can use 3 fingers, pressing down, and moving them around the bite, 
>within 1/2 inch, no pain, and the area seems softer.  Something is 
>happening differently.
>    I have a number of treatments in line that I have not used yet simply 
>because the wound is draining so well.
>    I have had a number of simple infections ( simple boils ) that have 
>been many times more painful than this spider bite. The absence of 
>pain  has amazed me.
>    Last night a neighbor nurse called me and wanted me to come to the 
>office where she works for
>cortisone and antibiotics.   She said, "one week of antibiotics will not 
>kill you".
>    I had to say, "No thank you".   Hopefully, I do not need these anytime 
>    CS soaks, MSM soaks, and Epsom Salts soaks plus the Onion poultice when 
>the swelling was bad ( about 3 days )  plus a barrage of supplements and 
>vitamin C may have been the key to zero pain.
>    I can only guess what the resulting effect would have been using 
>conventional treatment of antibiotics.
>    Wayne
>>But if you try it and it does help, tell us. I
>>would love to be wrong on this.
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