
Thanks for this. I will be interested to see whether your idea has any effects I can observe in my own experiments on myself.

On Saturday, Dec 20, 2003, at 15:35 Asia/Tokyo, Robb Allen wrote:

Hi everyone, as many of you know I've been fighting a battle against
arthritis for several years now and I've been making some good progress here
lately.  Within the last 3 or 4 days my progress has been even faster
because of someone reminding me of some old posts on the list archives about
using CS with Gatorade.

I think Mike really hit the nail on the head a few weeks ago when we were all talking about someone on the list who had cured their Lyme disease by taking 2 teaspoons of CS a day. Mike said something to the effect of he
was amazed because most of us measure the CS in terms of gulps or glass
fulls instead of spoons.

     This really got me to thinking about the situation.  CS definitely
kills whatever is causing my arthritis (Lyme) but I can never get it to the deep places where I really need it. Daddybob made a post to another group that reminded me of the old Gatorade topic that was posted here in months
and years past.

     I am really starting to believe that the reason some people aren't
helped by CS is because they can't assimilate it in their body. I know that Nancy has been saying all along to everyone who has serious diseases that
they should add 1 drop of H2o2 to every 2 ounces of CS........what she
failed to say in most posts is that she had been adding gatorade to every
glassful to make it taste better.

Then I found the research of Brooks Bradley on the subject of adding ringers solution (similar to gatorade) to the cs and finding that it made
the concentration of the cs much higher in the blood.
I decided to put this to the test about 4 days ago and this is the very
first time I've ever had to DECREASE my intake of CS.  I am having such
severe herx symptoms with the CS/Gatorade that I've had to cease use for a few days. This is coming from a guy who has on many an occasion drank more
than a gallon a day of pure CS.

I started this practice with 15 ounces of CS with another 5 or 6 ounces of gatorade mixed in. This is too much~!!!.....the spirochetes in my joints
are screaming at me and this is a really BIG shock to me......I've been
fighting this over and over....pulling my hair out trying to figure out how and why some people are helped and some arn't.........particularly with lyme

I really feel that this could be the big breakthrough for me....along with the recent addition of the high power magnetic pulser that many of us
are having great success with.

     If you have tried CS in the past for your condition without
results......try it again with gatorade .....the difference is very
astounding.  ............Thanks Brooks Bradley and all others who have
helped with all the research.........Robb

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