Hi, I got this from another list I am on. Anyone know anything about this?
Hi guys...
I wanted to update you on the guy at work with the "sore" on his face whose 
"case study" was a mystery to the docs last week.

When I arrived at work this morning...I replaced him..he held over 2 hours so I 
could have christmas with my children this morning. I noticed his sore has 
become "sores" - 3 of them. One nickel sized and another the size of a dime 
next to it...and pea sized to the right...starting to connect. I tried not to 
stare...and asked him if he heard back from the docs. 

He said, "Yep. It's a blood borne pathogen of which they're not sure. I'm not 
supposed to be working around people or food. BUT, you know how it is...I gotta 

I didn't think  to ask him how they are treating it - my head was spinning....I 
think he was on antibiotics last week...so why is it spreading? And, my search 
for blood borne pathogens turns up everything from aids to hepatitis C. They 
are not naming his condition yet.

HOWEVER, I'm following this guy each morning....Immediately after he left I 
sprayed and hopefully sanitized (not sure what's in the "blue" liquid in the 
bottle we clean counters, etc. with) EVERYTHING. His register, the counter, the 
lottery machine....anything I could think of that he had touched. 

He had a copy of the book, the Bible Code, laying there so we started a rather 
cool conversation on theology, spanning millenium and into the future. He's 
really an awesome person...5 year old son...I feel really bad for him...BUT 
...BUT (can't get the caps any bigger!)...HE IS CONTAGIOUS! And making coffee, 
and putting hotdogs on the grill (with gloves...but)...and touching things I 
have to touch too.

Guys...I'm just looking for ..well, something here. If the docs STILL don't 
know what it is (looks like Impetigo) then it can't be impetigo or something 

Help me here...wwyd?? What would YOU do??? What do YOU think? Any articles 
floating out there that speak of this? 

Peace - Anna

Sincerely Yours,
              My home page

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