Hi Richard, I sent the replies on to Anna, Here is her answer.

Hank, I think you may remember this from NWOC. But, I had some CS 
from Innerlight. The very first time I took it...and it was only 
about 5 drops under my tongue....my throat closed up...I had an 
allergic reaction. I almost went into anaphylactic shock. Grabbed my 
inhaler just in time. Drank lots of pure water.

I was told that it must've not been very good CS but I'm VERY 
sensitive to pills, drugs, herbs, etc....so I have to admit I'm 
afraid to try it again. I don't even take pain meds like tylenol 
unless it's severe.

I've got a really strong immune system...knock on wood, I've not been 
sick with a virus or flu since the week after 9/11. I had bronchitis 
for over a month...from the chem spraying which was heavy when 
aircraft could fly again. I had it so bad, I thought I'd die with it. 
But since, I've not even had a cold. I've had allergic reaction 
stuff..throat closing up, stuffy sinuses, watery eyes, etc. but no 
infection, cold, virus, etc.

So - I don't have any CS.

Sincerely Yours,
              My home page

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Harris 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Cc: Richard Harris 
  Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 10:45 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>A question


  You're on track for proper actions; I would increase my own daily intake of 
CS--spray my eyes at least twice a day; take a bottle of CS to work and spray 
on phones and everything that could shelter pathogens in addition to the "blue 
bottled spray you spoke of". 

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