Hi Richard...Thanks for your support.  My daughter had the MRI this morning.  
We won't know the results for a while but nothing happened unusual. She did use 
essential oils at her hairline and she felt like that helped.  I'm anxious for 
several reasons to see what it showed.  I guess it depends on the person on how 
they react to such an MRI.  The doctor is looking for tumors,blood clots, etc.  
They injected her with a solution to dilate the vessels in her brain.  She 
wouldn't tell me exactly how it made her feel...but it wasn't good. By the way 
she hinted...almost an insane feeling.  When she gets the report I'll post it. 
I really don't think anything had to do with the CS though from all that I have 
been reading everywhere. However, IF a lot of metal is reported in the findings 
I'll be sure and let you know.  

Hi Deb,
I certainly hope your daughter gets a good report from her MRI. I didn't feel 
that CS would affect any test or treatments--then yesterday a long-time friend 
who uses 2 gallons of CS a month for herself, pets & daughter, told me that she 
went to the Lake County Courthouse to file some legal papers and the metal 
detectors kept going off due to the CS in her body. I would appreciate any 
comments from others regarding this.
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist 


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