on 2/17/04 12:30 PM, Richard Harris at yr...@cfl.rr.com wrote:
You mentioned gatorade is this the liquid or dry form.  If it is liquid how
much dry does one use.
> Hi Matthew and Garnet,
> We need to remember that CS is a Gift from God, but ideally is used in
> conjunction with other things to increase our treatment success; for
> example, we just recently learned that CS will penetrate much more
> effectively accompanied by a double amount of Gatorade; Many of us are also
> experimenting with Godzilla/BECK zapping & zilling with CS with great
> success. I feel that we should use as many alternative weapons as we have
> (that will NOT build up and cause problems) to insure and speed up our
> healing.
> Also, Matthew, in 1920, the CS was probably NOT easily EGCS made, but was
> Silver ground exceedingly fine and mixed into boiled water in a suspension;
> plus the doctors then might be like some of today's doctors--Not convinced
> of the effectiveness of CS and they didn't want to be responsible for lack
> of treatment success.
> Sincerely,
> Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Garnet [mailto:garnetri...@earthlink.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:27 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>The Last Great Race
> If I had contracted Diptheria I would use both the anti-toxin and CS.
> Maybe they were using CS or silver in some form and it was not enough.
> Once an organism has reached great numbers in the body CS is not as
> effective as it is when it used preventatively.
> I bought my SG6 when I had the Fujian Flu. I drank several pints a day
> of 10 ppm. It was not enough. I started daily peroxide baths with 16 oz
> of 35% in a tub, too. Then I also started nebulizing CS, eventually
> added DMSO and put that solution in my ears and nose 4-5 X a day as
> well.
> It took all of the above and plenty of rest to get over it. My whole
> family kept getting better then relapsing, for several months.
> Garnet
> On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 09:05, Matthew McCann PE wrote:
>> Hello, Members of the List.
>> In a couple weeks or so, the Iditarod race begins again
>> in Alaska. Something bothers me, though, about the
>> event which this, the Last Great Race, commemorates.
>> Maybe a List member can resolve it.
>> The Iditarod commemorates the delivery of diphtheria
>> antitoxin to Nome in 1924 (1925?) by dogsled when
>> Nome was cut off from ocean-going vessels and the
>> mailplane was dismantled for the season.
>> Diphtheria is always on the list of diseases that CS
>> can successfully treat. The 1920s were the heyday of
>> CS. Why couldn't the public health officials in Juneau
>> have instructed the folks in Nome to make CS and
>> save themselves? Weren't radio and telegraph available?
>> Matthew
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