
Have you considered doing some sort of biomeridian type treatment like NAET
or BioSET for your iodine allergy? I've had a number of allergies eliminated
with BioSET treatments. Even if it didn't eliminate it completely, it might
decrease it enough that if you occasionally accidentally got something with
iodine, it wouldn't cause enough of a reaction to be a problem. Having to
avoid something that strictly is next to impossible, even with the best of

I should know. I've been down that road with other allergies that I have,
and it is amazing all the ways the food industry has of hiding things, or
being totally ignorant of things. It's a lot easier to eliminate the allergy
than it is to live with it. I was in a position where I didn't have control
over the food that I was served when I was at my sickest, and I couldn't get
other people to be as diligent about reading labels and avoiding potential
problems. It was a nightmare. My food allergies made life a living hell, on
top of all the other health problems I was already struggling with. It got
to the point where I literally couldn't eat without reacting to just about
everything I ate with hives. Sometimes I had problems with my throat
swelling, or my lips and tongue swelling. I would react with stomach aches,
developed stomach ulcers, and had attacks of diarrhea. Not fun. But on top
of that, I sometimes reacted neurologically, like having a black cloud of
depression and irritability pulled down over me.

BioSET has allowed me to be able to be a lot less diligent about reading
food labels and avoiding foods, and I'm able to eat a wide variety of foods
now that I couldn't eat before. If it were me, I wouldn't leave a stone
unturned to try to resolve the problem. It definitely makes life a lot
easier to live without having to be obsessed about monitoring food. Not to
mention being able to eat a larger variety of foods improves nutrition.

There is a book called "The Food Allergy Cure" by Dr. Ellen Cutler that has
instructions on how to do a self-treatment. But for really severe allergies,
it would probably be wise to see a practitioner, because they're trained to
handle severe allergic reactions, and they have a variety of other things up
their sleeves that can help that the book doesn't cover.

I know I'm beginning to sound like a commercial. But I've been helped so
tremendously by it, and I hope my enthusiasm won't offend people. And I'm
sure people will be skeptical of it, and assume that it's only a placebo
effect. If it works by placebo effect, than it shouldn't have worked on me,
because I only started doing it because my naturopath recommended it, and I
wanted to oblige her to stay on her good side. She's the first person that
I've gone to for help that didn't somehow ridicule my problems, and try to
blame me for them. But I really didn't think it was going to do a thing, and
I was a little irritated at having to go through the motions just to please
her. Surprisingly, it helped, right from the start, and my first successes
convinced me to continue getting treatments.

I DON'T think it is a cure-all. I know that there are some people who don't
seem to benefit from it. The vast majority of people do benefit at least to
some degree. Not all practitioners are equal, either. Sometimes you have to
shop around a little to find a practitioner that has sufficient talent and
experience and that you're comfortable with. But it's worth at least trying,
because if it helps, it can really help.

Linda Jones

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sol" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:24 AM
Subject: CS>food allergies, was, (long rant!) Re: CS>Labels / Formaldehyde

> Garnet,
>   My husband is also allergic to potatos so I've been reading labels
> looking for "modified food starch" for years and years.
> And yes, I do know about the chain of suppliers complication. I've been
> allergic to iodine for over 19 years now. So I know all about unlabelled
> ingredients(that are technically supposed to be labelled but aren't),
> ingredients that do not have to be listed on labels, ingredients that
> mask under the label "natural flavoring" or just "natural", and on and
> on. Not to mention the fact that many canners and mfrs of things like
> salsa, don't even know whether the salt in their product is iodized or
> not iodized. Some use either indiscriminately. I found that seaweed
> thickeners are used in popsicles, routinely injected into chicken meat
> as part of the "up to x% solution". All this is not to mention that any
> mfr, canner, or packager of anything edible can change the ingredients
> at any time, with no notice to anyone, and they have 6 months (forever?)
> to change the label.
>   With each passing year, it has gotten more difficult to avoid iodine.
> In the form of sea salt or seaweed thickeners it is in virtually every
> "health" food product, every meat substitute, it is in meat, in dairy
> (iodine in feeds, cows excrete iodine into their milk, iodine cleaners
> are used on udders, and milking equipment, and then carrageenan etc is
> added to the final product). The rage for kelp and fish fertilizers and
> trace mineral soil additives means I can't have any organic produce, and
> this must be carrying over to standard farmers and agribusiness growers
> as the list of high-iodine veg I can't eat grows yearly.
>    To crown it all, I was reading cookie labels in the store the other
> day, trying to find a "street legal" cookie for my husband, when I read
> the label on Mother's brand frosted molasses cookies. Doing good till
> the end when I read "fish gelatin"!
>   And I'm still not avoiding iodine, as in 19 years I've never managed
> to get even the beginnings of a goiter.
>    It is often an excercise in frustration and anger to read alternative
> health related lists, even the silverlist. You get kelp, and various
> iodine containing products recommended for everything under the sun. No
> doubt these are all wonderful health promoting things, but not for me.
> It does cause anger, some times a great deal of self-pity to have a
> condition which renders nearly everything recommended as health
> promoting verboten.
>    Sorry, I went WAY off topic about this.........some days my allergy
> is mentally and emotionally very difficult to live with.
> Weirdly and frustratingly, over the past almost 2 years I have been
> seriously trying to get rid of intestinal candida (CS is part of this
> effort), and a host of related health problems, and was hopeful that
> this would reduce my allergic tendendcies. It hasn't yet, in fact,
> ironically, I seem to be more sensitive to iodine than ever.......
>    I have over 35 years study and interest in nutrition, and know all
> the crap other people can eat without an allergic reaction isn't
> "healthy" some days I get really resentful of having to make everything
> from scratch.Some days I would like a break from cooking. Some days I
> just want a pizza, you know? I miss all the things I can no longer eat,
> including broccoli and asparagus.
> paula

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