There are a few pointers in this series of articles that cause me to
have serious doubts about their validity.

1) The author claims his blood electrolytes were NEVER checked in over
25 years of care by a physician, and one would assume cardiologist.

This is absurd. Electrolytes are checked with great regularity. It is
part of a standard blood panel on any heart patient and has been so for
a very long time.

2) He claims that sodium is a poison and that potassium is more
important. He states that "unlike toxic sodium, potassium is essential
to our health"

It is the balance of minerals that is important, not one single mineral.
Sodium is required by the body and is as important as any of the
electrolytes, to maintain the potential across cell membranes, due to
the relative concentrations of all of the electrolytes. Without sodium
we would also die. 

Sodium does NOT cause high blood pressure. Restricting excessive sodium
consumption in a hypertensive patient will help lower high blood
pressure. But to turn the converse into sodium is toxic or causes high
blood pressure is a grave error in logic.

3) Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous are macro

This author refers to some of these as trace minerals.

4)"...'research" proved longa go that simple deficiency can not cause
life threatening conditions."

This too is absurd, it is well known in the medical community that
potassium deficiency can kill you, indeed that any electrolyte
deficiency if severe enough will kill you. It was widely spoken of in
response to the number of people using "liquid" protien diets in the
70's, some of whom died with big follow ups in the media.

5) By the seventies, all meaningful references to serious mineral
deficiencies had been removed from the curriculum.

Again not true. I attended classes in medical physiology with medical
students as a graduate student in pharmacology in 1979 - 1981. The
nutrition part of this course most certainly did deal with mineral
requirements and deficiencies.

We were not taught all a person needed was "a diet rich in fruit and
vegetables". In fact this top ten medical school brought in Dr Linus
Pauling to lecture on Vit C. As well as one of the biochemists telling
us personally what he took each day in the way of supplements and why.


The author is also, after scaring his readers which he so neatly accuses
modern doctors of doing, soliciting donations!!!

Follow the money . . . .


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