This seems interesting to me, a bumbling lay-person.
A. It wonders me if this process might be going on in/with lots of
various manifesting conditions.
B. It wonders me if there may be a place for CS in the mix.
C. Well, there's probably at least a C but it eludes at the

Tip of the Day for April 13, 2004 

The immune system may be compromised in FMS sufferers. Natural Killer
(NK) cells seek out and destroy foreign invaders in our bodies. When FMS
patients' NK cells were tested by I. Jon Russell, M.D., they were found
to be in normal amounts, but their activity was low. Researchers do not
know why this is so, but serotonin may influence the activity of these NK
cells. A high incidence of immune-reactive proteins have been found in
the skin of FMS patients. These are not normally seen in a healthy
person's skin. In other words, proteins are leaking through the blood
vessel walls and accumulating in surrounding tissues, which often occurs
in conditions that have an immunologic component. 

(Source: Taking Charge of Fibromyalgia, by Julie Kelly, M.S., R.N., and
Rosalie Devonshire, M.S.W.) 

This tip provided courtesy of

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