
"Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and
limit our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'"

Attempting?  It seems to me to be a done deal.  The UNITED STATES, a
corporation,  sells the air space to the highest bidders.

To protect public decency---whatever that is---and to create the illusion of
acting in the best interest of the people, murder fantasies are allowed, but
fart noises and sex conversations are forbidden.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Carleton [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: govt, health and building a new model


"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
--- R. Buckminster Fuller

What would happen if we got rid of diagnosis and prognosis and let the body
make the repairs instead of listening to 'authorities' who seem to produce
increasing mortality rates?  Outrageous? Is political/pharma game a
'stacked' deck? If it is, how would one go beyond? What would 'Bucky' do?
Have you ever considered the body is 'divine' and knows all? (This is
aligned with any religion!) If it was, what could it do?  What potential
would one have with cleaning things up?

Big Business is attempting to buy up our access to public airwaves and limit
our access to 'beyond the prescribed conditioning? programs'.  However,
there may be a show that you want to watch on PBS Connections regarding
BodyTalk.  Could this be a new model like 'Bucky' suggests?  Why? Because I
know someone was downgraded from MS to Lymes and now is off all disability
insurance and back to work.

Why watch? Because this was scheduled to be a 30 min segment and has already
been chopped to 1/4 of that...  PBS Houston has film of a 12 year old boy
diagnosed with autism - typical resistance behaviours and not interested in
learning. After a number of BodyTalk sessions agreeable behaviour and
learning to read were of interest to him.  Sorry, I don't know what
'Connections' will finally show by May 7th.

There will be a BodyTalk segment on PBS, the Connections show.
Dates:  Friday, May 7 at 9 p.m.
           Sunday, May 9 at 5 p.m.
The segment will be 5-7 minutes long and will be one of several on the
Connections show. 

This is not dissimilar to what Coyote was talking about with Slim... It's
challenging to 'get your head around', but when one starts to see clean air
that lasts or when one starts to feel better and better.  Who cares about
Newtonian science standards of proof?  Guidelines in the quantum are
different.  It's a hard test.  Are you the next 'sucker'?  Or are you
feeling better?  What does it mean - no antibiotics?  What are the
implications of that?  Healthwise? Financially? Social political?  Corporate
stock returns? As 'Bucky' says, build a new model ...


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.

Mike this is not to negate or suggest the CS will not be valuable. All
truths rise to the top.  I believe it will be and on a far expanded level
than we currently employ it on the physical levels.  Flu, herpes, virus,
bacteria are usually gone within 24-48 hours with BT.  Bigger issues take
longer.  Food quality counts. CS, DMSO, Vit. C, etc. count --- you know ---
the ones that seem harder and harder to find.

In the US most of the diagnostic disease descriptive language is legally
licensed for use only by a qualified allopathic doctor (MD). In pure legal
terms and liability I am not licensed MD and cannot say the 'C' word unless
in the privacy of a private personal conversation preferably at home.  Other
ailments like arthritis, asthma --- about 50+ sick goodies cannot be spoken
about because under Canadian law legally they are 'incurable' - only
remission is possible.  An MD can loose his right to practice if he
prescribes clean water, food or vitamins & minerals before a pharmaceutical
- (Knop vs College of Ontario Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO)- 1999).

Few of us are MD's, so maybe we do not need to 'buy it and the degrading
deterioration' if we want to feel better.  Been there, done that, moved on.

:)  :)  :)

> From: William Meyer <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 07:09:27 -0400
> To:
> Subject: CS>Re: goverment and health
> Resent-From:
> Resent-Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 03:54:06 -0700
> let me mention some specifics. i cannot legally home test my saliva 
> here in
new york for hormone  levels. i tried sending my samples through a third
party (a friend), but i am  still bein locked out currently. this is against
my health and freedom. a federal agency recently prohibited one of our beef
producers from  paying for and testing their own cattle for mad cow disease.
they are losing  35 million dollars in japanese sales because of this. think
about that.

> one lady is investigating a cluster of "mad-cow like" deaths traced to 
> a new
jersey racetrack commisary. on her own. i know from getting lyme that the
goverment and med establishment and insurance companies are suppressing lyme
recognition. here in ny the ama prosecutes doctors who treat lyme with long
term  antibiotics.

on my lyme lists we have to refer to the few doctors who have survived by
the first initial of their last names."DR. B." for instance. older americans
don't know how bad this has all gotten. they don't  believe it. younger
americans are clueless. those who have access and inclination to spend time
on the net apparently spend all their time on video games. video games will
be the next carrier of youth culture. just as rock music was in my
generation -the 60's. it just hasn't gotten very socially and politically
aware yet.
> On Apr 19, 2004, at 5:56 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
>> That is great if you can do it. But what if you need an herb that has 
>> proven useful to you that can only be grown in the tropics?  Will you 
>> move to the tropics and grow it?  And do you think that anyone will 
>> be allowed to make their own if they are in prison for making or 
>> using illegal drugs?  I
agree  do what you want, but at times it becomes too difficult to do so from
outside the  system. A letter to a congressman is not much of an expense to
>> Marshall
>> Stuff wrote:
>>> At 10:43 AM 4/19/2004 -0400, Marshall wrote:
>>>> Although this is political, it is extremely important for those who 
>>>> want to continue to use CS and other supplements.
>>> I'll continue to treat myself in ways I see fit, with or without
>>> *anyone's* approval.
>>> I make my own CS and if someone doesn't want me to use it they'll 
>>> have to pry it from my cold dead hands.
>>> If certain products are removed from the market by people who 
>>> *think* they know what's best for me, I will find another way.
>>> Fighting an 800 lb. gorilla just makes no sense when I'm free to do 
>>> all these things and I'll not throw money at any group who wants to 
>>> do it.
>>> And fighting this gorilla will just make it stronger. Been there,  
>>> done
that. Waste of time and energy. Just do whatever it is you think best, tho.

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