Spelling, spelling. . . .

I think that you AND others who have . . . . LAST I heard . . . . A task . . . .

Apologies. And thanks again to Jason Eaton and to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America for keeping a priceless trove of health information online.


On Saturday, May 1, 2004, at 16:28 Asia/Tokyo, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:


I think that you can others who have used Cancema successfully might also give thanks to Greg Caton of altcancer.com; list I heard, he was STILL in jail, after being arrested in September. The FDA needs to know that thousands of successful Cancema users are watching and awaiting his release and the re-opening of his fine business.

We should also thank particularly our moderator, who amplified the original report of altcancer's shutdown by expressing his deep concern, and suggesting a massive download of the site, at task Jason Eaton admirably undertook.

And thanks to you for writing. You CAN get well, and you will keep getting better slowly for years, so enjoy the process.


On Saturday, May 1, 2004, at 11:38 Asia/Tokyo, Shirley Reed wrote:

   Dear, dear list members.   I want to express my affection and gratitude to this list.  I am a 63 year old woman who has cancer.  I decided this on the basis of my reaction to the cansema salve.  I have it in various places.  However, I am feeling so good these days that I don't really give it much thought.  Feel better than I have in many years.  Being realistic, I don't think this will last, but until it doesn't, I am so happy and am enjoying life so much that I am grateful to God and to the people on this list, as well as one or two others.  It was on this list that I first learned of colloidal silver.  I think it was here also that the zapper was spoken of so highly.  Both of these have been of such value to me.  I thank you all.  I have received such encouragement from so many of you and so much information.  Encouraging people are kinda hard to come by sometimes. :)  You ha! ve been wonderful.  I thank you.  Whatever and whenever the 'customary thing with people' happens, I have had a wonderful couple of years, largely due to the information and encouragement I have gotten here.  I hope my gratitude and affection for you is complete.  I think it is.  I have chosen to speak now as one never knows just what the future holds.  I know my present is so very happy.  Best wishes to all of you.  I have tried to be part of the goodness on this list.  Let's all keep trying.   What you people are doing is wonderful.  pj


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