On Sat, 2004-05-01 at 01:36, jr wrote:
> Hi Jean and folks, 
> We MUST have been looking at two different documents psychically - not
> physically!
> After reading it again, myself - it was tougher in warning than the 
> original  source of my Cancer -  in fact a *lot*  tougher . 
> Vis:
> Inhalation:
> Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include
> coughing, shortness of breath. May cause allergic reaction in
> sensitive individuals. 

Yes but the boiling point is 372 degrees F. So what's to inhale? Don't
boil it and stand over the pot. It does not vaporize at room temperature
fast enough to cause any inhalation problems. I have let a bowl of it
sit out on the kitchen counter for three days with no measureable loss
to vaporization, even at kitchen temps.

The allergic reactions are some itching and slight blistering on topical
use. One is cautioned to skin test any topical agent, DMSO is no
different. Those who are sensitive use a more dilute form, or some will
simply avoid it totally if their sensitivity is severe. Again not unlike
many topicals, I can't use some hand lotions because of the perfume,
gives me a terrible rash.

> Ingestion:
> Causes irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms may include
> nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause abdominal pain, drowsiness,
> chills and chest pains. 

This is a bit exaggeratedd, but remember this is an MSDS and the FDa
does not want you using DMSO anyway, hurts Big Pharma and they get mad
when you hurt them, take it out on the FDA and then we get the result. I
take it orally and it does warm the tummy a bit, giving a transient
sensation that I guess you could call nausea. I don't take it after a
huge meal. If you drink too much in too high a concentratoin it could
cause some of these other symptoms -- know what you are doing. Most
people do not take it orally. The vast majority use it topically.

> Skin Contact:
> Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and
> pain. May cause scaling, Readily absorbed through the skin.

It releases histamine, causing itching, so you again, dilute it. These
warnings are referring to full strength or high concentration. Scaling
is from dehydration and loss of oils, you  need to use moisturizers if
you are going to use it topically for more than a few days. I have
dipped a crushed finger in 99% and it made my skin feel like leather, I
put Emu Oil on twice and some Lavendar Chamomile Essential oil on three
times and by the end of the day it was normal, and no crushed finger,
everything was normal. A very small inconvenience for me.

And it is used specifically because it is readily absorbed through the

>  Garlic-like taste and odor may develop on the breath and skin.
> Transient disturbances of color vision, photophobia, headache,
> diarrhea, and dermatitis may result from skin applications. A good
> solvent; may result in the increased skin absorption of other more
> toxic materials. 

Yep unless you get the low odor variety it does have a garlic like taste
to *some* people, not all. Some have even told me they like it! It takes
up to 72 hours for this to completely fade. www.jacoglab.com has low
odor for those who are sensitive. Never heard of the disturbances of
vision, it has NO permanent effects on vision, that has been tested
thoroughly. Headache, yes well perhaps a bit of a dull one when you
drink it. But again worth the therapeutic effect. Many agents do have
side effects but these are all minor. It has never killed anyone and the
toxic dose is 40,000 times the therapeutic, giving it one of the widest
margins of safety I have ever heard of, also called the Therapeutic
Index and expressed as a fraction of the lethal dose over the
therapeutic dose. The smaller the fraction the safer the agent.

Again do you use toxic materials on your skin? Why would you be so
careless in treating yourself that you would do this? It would have to
be a large area of skin or a very concentrated toxic agent to cause a
problem, even if it were to occur accidentally.

> Eye Contact:
> Causes irritation, redness, and pain. May cause blurred vision. 

Dust causes blurred vision. 1% is the concentration used in the eye, not
99.9% as they refer to here. If you used concentrated Visine I bet it
would cause irritation and even in dilution it makes my vision blurry
for a bit. Again the therapeutic benefit is worth the slight
inconvenience of the side effect.

> Chronic Exposure:
> Absorption may affect the blood, Repeated skin application may cause
> scaling dermatitis. Repeated oral doses may effect the liver and
> kidneys. 

Scaling dermatitis due to dehydration and removal of oils. With repeated
application most people use a moisturizer. As to the liver and kiney
effects nope, not at all, if you have a healthy liver and kidney, if not
then you already know to take it easy with many agents.

> Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
> Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems or impaired
> liver or kidney function may be more susceptible to the effects of the
> substance. Topical application enhances dermal absorption of many
> other chemicals, including drugs and allergens of moderate molecular
> weight. 

Allergens of moderate molecular weight, now there is a vague fear
inducing statement. Why not say it like it is, it transports molecules
of less than 1000 daltons. Most allergens are much too large! And again
you must clean the skin before applying, just like most medical
treatments, you must use it properly or you will experience the side
effects of improper use.


Who is simply not scared by Big Pharma's pathetic attempts to drive
people away from inexpensive miraculous medical agents. Have you read
the MSDS for anything else you use?

> John
> At 12:38 PM 01/05/04 GMT+10, (my time)
> silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote :
> > I took a look and DMSO sounded pretty innocent to me.  Nothing I saw
> > there
> > would make me afraid.
> > 
> > Jean Baugh 

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