Hi List,

I am a new member and I hope you can settle an argument.
I have been making CS for many years, using deionized water as I live in the
UK where distilled water is hard to come by.
I have now been told in no uncertain terms that it is impossible to make
good quality CS using deionized water, and that only distilled water will do
the job. The deionized water I was using for several years was from the
biochemistry lab I used to work in, and had a resistivity of less than 0.1
uS/cm (resistance 10-15 megohms/cm), which is at least as good as distilled
water. I now use deionised water that I buy (from my local pharmacy or from
Superdrug), but it seems in every way identical to the lab deionized water -
the initial current is identical and the colour and taste of the resulting
CS is identical.

Do I really need to start distilling water, or can I carry on using
deionized water?
If I can't use this water, why not, as it is at least as pure as distilled?
Surely it is the purity of the water that maters, not the method used to
purify it.

Thanks in anticipation,

Paul Holloway

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