To get rid of fever blisters immediately, when you feel that prodromal
itch or throb, apply CS with 10-30% DMSO. DMSO kills viruses and drives
the CS deep into the nerve tissue where it lives. 
If the blister is already popped apply it several times an hour and it
will not get any bigger.


On Sat, 2004-05-08 at 10:51, Bernadette wrote:
> Hello to all of you.  I have been on the list for a little while now
> and have learned a considerable amount of information on learning to
> stay healthy using CS.  My "mentor" has been Brooks Bradley, with the
> help of his son Mark.  To them I am very grateful.
> What I have learned so far is a question from Rowena concerning split
> nails.  Terry Chamberlain suggested "Concentrace" and I have purchased
> this products and am using it.  I can see where I was low in minerals
> and I appreciate his information.  I do believe I have more energy
> although my urine was very strong smelling and cloudy for a few days. 
> Don't know if the Concentrace and CS together brought this on.  I had
> no adverse reaction other than the urine.
> I have been drinking CS, about 1 to 2 ounces a day at about 6 ppm
> strength.  I can't say I feel any different to date but my biggest
> discovery is that I work outside in the sun a lot and am very
> susceptible to cold sores, or as the scientists on the list would say
> the "recurrent herpes labialis".  I felt one of the blisters starting
> on Thursday of this week.  I began dabbing it with CS about twice a
> day and the blister, although it is still in existence today, never
> grew or became painful.  It is healing and going away.  Before I would
> take large doses of Lysine and this would work, but it took at least a
> week or more for the blister to go away.  So CS did work for me and it
> is a relief not to have the unsightly blister on my lips.
> Another daughter tried dabbing her poison ivy with CS and she said it
> didn't  help her. She had already had the poison a good week before I
> saw her to give her CS so we will have to try it again when another
> outbreak is present.  Do any of you believe if she had been drinking
> her CS daily that she would be less susceptible to the rash?
> Another daughter has been taking it daily and said in the beginning
> she felt like it was keeping her up at night.  She said she felt
> great, but just couldn't sleep.  I had no answer for her but to
> continue her 1 to 2 ounces of CS a day.
> Another daughter is pregnant and said as much as she would like to try
> it, we decided not to let her drink it because we just don't know if
> anything would happen to the fetus.
> The grandson is drinking it in his juice but he is young and strong
> and hopefully will stay this way.
> My husband has yet to begin using CS; a doubting Thomas.
> We do give it to our animals to drink now - a few ounces mixed with
> the drinking water and it will be interesting to see if the older
> animals stay healthy.
> Thank you all for your excellent advice and you all make for very
> interesting reading and discovery.
> Bernadette

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