Dear Paul,

Thankyou for your interesting post about fungal sinusitis. I was wondering -
how do you get your CS and saline mix isotonic (i.e. the same strength as
the body fluids)? Of course, when you add CS to the saline it dilutes it and
if you put that in your nose it will be painful.

My husband has been using the method of sinus flooding you describe also
with success (though he doesn't have a fungal infection). The method he has
evolved is to make up a strong solution of salt in a dropper bottle and add
5 drops to the CS. How do you do it?

The mixture has to be used immediately and the remainder discarded because
the salt will react with the CS. A drop of 50% DMSO is also useful.

He is also considering buying a Neti Pot from the internet. A friend has
found it good for irrigating the nasal passages and sinuses. Has any one
tried it?

Best wishes,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Holloway []
> Sent: 15 May 2004 11:28
> To:
> Subject: CS>CS and fungi
> Hi,
> This might be a good place to mention my experiences with fungal
> sinusitis.
> Four years ago I developed severe sinusitis, with incapacitating pain, and
> other strange symptoms - a burning tingling numbness down both arms and
> legs, dizziness, nausea, and a horrible feeling in my head. My memory was
> shot and I felt extremely ill. Conventional doctors said there was no
> problem with my sinuses and suggested antidepressants.
> I started doing nasal rinses with saline and my wife said she could smell
> mold coming from my sinuses. She then started to develop similar
> symptoms. I
> tried CS as a rinse with some success, but the main problem seemed to be
> above my eyes, in my frontal sinuses. The nasal rinsing was great
> at getting
> at my maxillaries (behind the cheekbones) and ethmoids (behind the top of
> the nose) but not the frontals. Then I came across a sinus flooding
> technique, which used a CS and saline mix. You lie on a bed with your head
> hanging off it backwards and filled the nose with the mix, and left it for
> 2-3 minutes, then turned over with your head hanging down
> forwards, holding
> the nose, and soaked for a further 2-3 minutes. Then you snorted
> it all out,
> waited 40 minutes and did it again (to remove loosened deposits). PLEASE
> NOTE THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT RECOMMENDED - I think it moves infection around
> the sinuses and into the eustachian tubes, especially the first part with
> the head backwards. This seemed to help a lot with the sinus pain
> and other
> symptoms.
> Then I had a batch of CS that was left for too long and had turned a dark
> yellow-brownish colour. I didn't want to drink this, but thought
> I would try
> using it in the sinus flooding procedure. To my horror, some
> clumps of brown
> fibrous material came out of my nose, about a teaspoonful of it in clumps.
> Luckily I had a small microscope, and took a look. It was clearly
> fungus of
> some sort, with hyphae, fruiting bodies and hundreds of spores clearly
> visible. After comparing it to photos on the internet, the shape of the
> fruiting bodies and the size and shape of the spores, I concluded it was
> aspergillus fumigatus, a common pathogenic fungus. I worked in a pathology
> lab at the time, and sent off some of this material to the fungal
> lab. They
> cultured aspergillus fumigatus. By this time my wife was also washing
> similar material out of her nose.
> Unfortunately my doctors still did not take this seriously, even though
> aspergillus is know to be a serious problem in some people. We continued
> washing this foul stuff out every day, and doing many alternative
> things to
> eliminate it, including a magnetic pulser, and after several months it
> seemed to have come to an end. We both have no more "fungal" symptoms but
> have been left with a susceptibility to bacterial infections in
> our sinuses,
> and impaired immune response. This is gradually resolving.
> Anyway, I am pretty sure that dark CS stains aspergillus a brown
> color, and
> I suspect it may somehow dislodge the stuff from the sinuses.
> Silver is used
> as a fungal satin for microscopy, so I think I stumbled accidentally on a
> procedure that would both dislodge the stuff, and make it visible.
> I would like to get someone else with aspergillus sinusitis to try this. I
> did join a list for aspergillus sufferers, but none of them was interested
> in trying any of my suggestions. I was constantly attacked by a man whose
> wife had aspergillus, who said that my suggestions were dangerous and
> wouldn't work and that CS would turn them all blue. Everyone seemed to
> believe him and carried on whining that their steroids and
> surgery were not
> working. Unbelievable.
> Anyway, I hope this is of some help to those who suspect they may have a
> fungal infection. It might even prove useful as a diagnostic procedure.
> Best wishes,
> Paul H
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