Dear Richard,
Some good news is not news here in Mexico. Malaria is treated with
Microdyn (colloidal silver 3200 p.p.m.)with 8 dollars total cost per
treatment, in 5 days in Veracruz, Acapulco, and some tropical places
where Malaria (Paludismo in Spanish) is endemic. Nice report from ASAP
but in Mexico was reported several years ago. If interested I can give
an scanned report from several medical magazines 15 or 25 years ago.
Microdyn has 45 years alive in Mexico. This colloidal silver is made
with a colloidal mill not the slow electrical way. No argyria in Mexico
used at large dosages. 
Alex Torres M.D.

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Harris [] 
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 6:38 AM
Cc: Richard Harris
Subject: RE: CS>The FDA

Hi Jean,

Happy Memorial Day!

Please read some of the recent posts re: ASAP Silver Source--let me know
you need more info!
This manufacturer makes CS that is the same as your CS and my CS--since
have been approved by Ghana W. Africa FDA, they can make many more
than you or I (we can legally state that our CS is a Mineral Supplement,
make NO claims as to what results you might expect while using or taking
CS--OR the FDA will Shut You Down!) ASAP is pure CS made from pure
pure water and an electric current. I refer all prospects to their SITE
tell them, I can't say the same things, nor do I have millions of $$$$
contracts in Africa, S. & Central America and the Far East to CURE
Tuberculosis, Cancer, Malaria, Hepatitis, HIV and other infectious
however, my CS and probably your CS is the same. However, God has used
my CS
to do many wonderful things to friends who experimented with it.

Thanks for the informative sharings you offer to this group to "us
as we continue to experiment and learn together in order to improve our
health and that of others less fortunate.

Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 11:44 PM
Subject: CS>The FDA


Can you tell us what ASAP is made from?  Is this Artemisinin?

Thank you,

Jean Baugh

> The FDA must be a powerful arm funded by the drug
> company's. I went back today to find some info on ASAP
> and their claims about curing malaria in 5 days. Its
> all gone from the American Biotech Labs web page and
> also from the news report on Clifton Mining Company,
> even went to the wayback web site to find old web
> pages and nothing. After a long search I was able to
> find it on
> Man these people are ruthless

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