Thanks Richard.  Your comment was a 'Bingo' moment for me.

"People think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing
and what the public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."
---Dr Herbert Ley, former commissioner of the FDA, in testimony before a US
Senate Hearing 1965...

and how many years earlier - when they hounded the 'electrical guys' -
Tesla, Rife, etc...  Bob Beck had an answer, release to the public domain.


> From: "Richard Harris" <>
> Subject: RE: CS>RE: Mexican CS; colloidal mill

> Thanks Alex!
> It's so good to see many profiting from and being healed with the good
> results we are enjoying as we continue to experiment and share the benefits
> we find with others less fortunate. Someday, may our FDA shake off the World
> Pharmaceutical Giants powerful all-controlling grasp on them and begin to
> represent and work for We the People!
> Sincerely,
> Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Torres []
> Subject: RE: CS>The FDA
> Dear Richard,
> Some good news is not news here in Mexico. Malaria is treated with Microdyn
> (colloidal silver 3200 p.p.m.)with 8 dollars total cost per treatment, in 5
> days in Veracruz, Acapulco, and some tropical places where Malaria
> (Paludismo in Spanish) is endemic.

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