Some types of cs don't get to the urethras, ureters and to the "faucets" Ole 
Coyote so deftly refers to on this gender neutral board. The reason is that HCl 
in the stomach turns the ionic portion of it to silver chloride which is not as 
effective as elemental silver which produces ions at the site of infection. 
When I have time, I will dig up the science we have archived on that from over 
a century ago, fascinating! 

My wife, who had UTI's her whole adult life (she is almost 60) until cs entered 
the scene in 1997, has had no such trouble since she started taking a tsp or 2 
daily of our 20 ppm, small particle (under 2 nm), low ionic CS product. I can't 
give you the name or Mike would blow his whistle and step off 15 yards for 
"advertising without permission." I respect his authority and can't wait for 
football season, go Cowboys.
