HI Mal


I have no problem getting great result with Bladder infection. Maybe u could
consider using cs via the anus with some colonic equipment. Say, have a
litre of cs in a bottle and let it sip into the rectum for abt 20 mins. Get
the drift?


Andy from the wild west WA





From: Malcolm Stebbins [mailto:s...@asis.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 19 June 2004 3:10 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>regarding bladder infections & more


Hi Bill, I'm curious about your - and your wife's - experiences with CS for
UTI's.  I've had inconsistent results using it as a topical bladder
irrigant.  I've considered using DMSO mixed with the CS, but have held off
since my skin seems to be much more sensitive to DMSO than most people's.   

I think the progress of ionic silver through the stomach, etc., is a more
complex subject than the usual  analogy of silver chloride can account for,
and arguments to "particular" superiority I've seen here ignore the effects
of HCl and other stomach contents on metallic silver particles.
How could particulate silver make it through the kidney anyway, though?

Aren't there studies of blood concentrations of dissolved - ionic?
covalent?? - silver, post-ingestion, or post-injection?  What about
excretion, isn't that about 85% through the urine, what form is it in then,
or does this all differ between mostly particulate  vs. mostly ionic CS?  

You said: " ...[E]lemental silver which produces ions at the site of
infection.", but why does it?  Dr. Becker measured DC nano-currents at the
site of limb amputations, then later discovered that the current direction,
which seemed to govern appropriate re-generation of limbs for salamanders,
was largely (surprisingly) immaterial in the regeneration of bone and tissue
when healing recalcitrant fractures in humans. The presence of silver ions
was both necessary and sufficient, though.  So what, in a wound or insult,
provokes the silver to ionize??

I guess we're lucky that corpora-gova-mega-mint-funded research hasn't
appropriated CS and all its mysterious puzzles right out of our grasp for
the 'Public' good . . . yet, anyway.  By all means, please dig!

Take care,  Malcolm

At 06:56 AM 6/15/04 -0500, you wrote:

Some types of cs don't get to the urethras, ureters and to the "faucets" Ole
Coyote so deftly refers to . . .  HCl in the stomach turns the ionic portion
of it to silver chloride which is not as effective as elemental silver which
produces ions at the site of infection. When I have time, I will dig up the
 a tsp or 2 daily of our 20 ppm, small particle (under 2 nm), low ionic CS 