I received the following and wondered if any of you have any suggestions for my friend.

In the meanwhile, the sting area (side/knee) on my hubby has
progessively worsened. I've given him benedryl tablets & the benedryl
lotion, iced the sting area, and given him ibruprofen or tylenol for
the pain. However now there is area 4-5" in diameter, swollen & hard,
and it's almost splotchy purple and red. Oh, and he's a bit shaky,
but I don't know if that's nerves, caffeine, or just what. He spoke
with his doctor who said to ice it and take pain killers (no mention
of benedryl), and to go into the hospital if the temp goes over 100f.

Still, I have this miserable man in my house and thought I'd send out
a plea for other thoughts or suggestions. Does anyone who's had to
deal with bad sting reactions have any other ideas? Hubby has never
had a sting reaction like this, so it's spooky (and *I* am the one
who is allergic to bees; now I guess he can claim that as well, poor
guy), but he's had reactions to spider or mosquito bites in the past,
but nothing like this.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Teri Johnston

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