At 03:24 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:
Do you mean to say you can extend the life of lettuce?!  I can't wait to try
this one.  I've tried everything from using a carbon steel knife to breaking
it by hand, to no avail.

Jean Baugh

There is a product called Extra Life tm which will extend the life of your lettuce and all the rest of your veggies and fruits, too, by neurtralizing ethylene gas. It is a little green disc about three inches across, which has some kind of pellets inside. You put it in your crisper drawer and everything lasts longer. It works. Each disc is good for about three months, I think. I don't know where you buy them, but Bed, Bath, and Beyond is one place that has had them. Maybe an Internet Search will help you locate them at a good price. Mine came in a three pack.

Another trick is NOT to use metal at all on your iceberg lettuce. I learned this trick from the manager of a grocery store produce department. Before storing your lettuce, either hit the lettuce hard on a counter and pull out the core by hand if it comes loose enough to do so, or else use a plastic picnic knife to get it out. I don't know why a stainless steel knife would be bad, but lettuce and kefir and some other things just don't seem to respond well to contact with metal. I have tried rinsing veggies in CS before storing them, too. Have not run a controlled AB comparison test to determine the difference, but intuitively, it just seems to make sense that CS would help by killing bacteria on the surfaces.

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