There are two aspects of mold that I discovered in my own long term
exposure and illness. One is that it's hyphae are deeply penetrating and
because it is slow growing it is slow to die. So you must continue to
treat it long after symptoms have gone away. Ringworm is a case in
point, if you do not continue to treat for 10 days after the lesions
have healed on your skin they will come back.

The other is that many of the symptoms of mold exposure are caused by
the neurotoxins and other toxic VOCs, fumes, that are the mold's waste
products. Try a search on neurotoxins and vision test as parameters.
There is a doctor in Maine that has a great site including a $9 on line
vision test that can help evaluate your neurotoxin load. 

Mold fumes can be carcinogenic, immune suppressive, neurotoxic, liver
and kidney toxic . . . each mold has a different toxin and in any given
mold infestation there are many species, not just one. Even if only one
was identified in lab tests from samples in your home or body do not
think you are only dealing with one species. It is very hard to grow out
and identify species. Most labs don't do a good job of either. It must
have collagen added to the plating media, some labs have no clue.


On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 03:02, Mike Monett wrote:
> url:
>   Re: CS>re: mold
>   From: Paul Holloway
>   Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 22:21:04
>   > I'm just  suffering  a  relapse  of mold  -  aspergillus  -  in my
>   > sinuses. I  was  getting sinusitis, and  getting  other unpleasant
>   > symptoms, so I did a sinus flooding with CS and washed out lots of
>   > fungal hyphae.
>   > Does anyone  know  for  sure that CS  will  kill  mold, especially
>   > aspergillus? I'm  assuming  that   I  have  previously  killed any
>   > growing mold, but that there are spores that are more difficult to
>   > kill. I have started using pao d'arco as well as CS and DMSO  as a
>   > nasal rinse, but I am wondering if the CS really helps.  Any ideas
>   > very welcome.  I  thought I had beaten this and am  feeling  a bit
>   > demoralised.
>   > Paul H

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