Hi Terry
If you want to find out about this type of scam coming
from the U.K go to Google and enter scams U.K
Also beware of the Nigerian Scams as they are very active.
They are looking for your Bank Information and can clean
out your account..with the promise of quick money.

Terry Chamberlin wrote:

I’ve been through an interesting experience during the
last 2 weeks. I got an email about 2 weeks ago asking
me to be an agent for a company in the UK that needed
me to process payment checks for them. In return, I
would get to keep 10% of what I processed. I didn’t
believe it was legitimate, but went along with it to
see what would happen, when they would ask me for
money. I kept getting phone calls telling me that a
check was coming to me, and to deposit it into my
account. They would tell me who to write a check to
afterwards. I still thought I would never see any
check, but would be asked for money. But, last Friday,
a courier truck came up my driveway and handed me a
big envelope. Inside it was a check made out to me for

I wasn’t sure what I should do. On the one hand,
$3,400 (my commission) would have paid for most of my
daughter’s braces. On the other hand, I was afraid of
the attention depositing such a big check could draw
to me. Plus, how would I convince the gov't I didn't
owe income tax on the whole amount? Besides, I
fingured it was just some kind of money laundering
thing. I finally emailed the man on Sunday and told
him to send me an address to send him back his check.
I haven’t heard from him, and don’t really expect to.
So I will keep the check as a souvenir. A $34,000
check! I know it’s worthless, but it looks kool.

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