Good Story.  dahh...Sometimes I don't see the forest for the trees ...

In PlantTalk we follow a protocol based on the botany of plants with
'thought frequency' - (sorry electrical guys - I do not know another word -
I'm open for suggestions ) 'intention' before 'tapping' the plant to it's
indicated required 'correction' so it is not sickly and produces profusely.
We can also 'tap out' or bring to balance challenges like fungus, moulds,
rusts, GM interference, electrical influences, adjusting to too much water
or too little which is helpful in these times of climatic changes... See
photographs on web site of different gardens, crops.  Now, add CS on top of
your watering; plants, animals, or people, and one must affect the
effectiveness if they monitor their thoughts.

Is there an instrument that measures this?  I have no idea.  Perhaps Jim
Conroy BSc, Ph.D.  knows of one. Does BodyTalk/PlantTalk work.  Absolutely!
Works on objective subjects like animals too - Animal Communication.  More
effectively, if you know their detailed anatomy.  Also people!  Regardless
of if they 'believe' or not.  Tapping into the 'quantum' levels of 'thought
transference' - frequency? -  produces results that may not yet be
instrument measurable, but are results orientated.  PlantTalk  Dr. James J. Conroy,
Developer of The PlantTalk System, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner.

Why will you not hear about it?  One does NOT have to use products! It's all
inside -- the plant,  animal or you.  Pharma & co. may not like it on the
balance sheet.  Surgery rates decline.  Nothing is louder than the $$$.  A
paradigm shift?  Perhaps...  Works in 3rd world countries with basic
education.  hmmm... imagine potential changes...

When I had mould I had to ask myself questions like:  Too much body
moisture?  Mould?  What old thoughts (even based in law or science) are
producing this potentially KILLING effect?  Endocrine system out of balance?
What does the universe want me to drop to find a better balance?  This is
not conventional BT on the body, but my body with the universal messages of
balance - a 'Wake-Up Call' -- Shift or Be Shifted!  Each will have a story
as unique as their own fingerprint.

Cotton is in harmony with nature (read plants, animals, and people).  Poly
fabrics are from the petro industry - dead materials. One fabric nurtures if
we are in harmony.  One fabric does not nurture the human energy system.
When doing BT for the first time, we request people wear natural fabrics, or
strip off.  The poly fabrics appear to restrictive the first couple of
sessions. Even expensive designer Italian or German poly gear is limiting...
it's nothing to do with price - the dead frequency is harder to work

Barometer of measurement?  Personal health and vitality.

Christine Carleton
C.B.P.: Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner, Int¹l BODYTALK Assn.

From: William Missett <>

Former top FBI lie detector expert Cleve Backster went into private practice
with similar services in NYC.  One day in the 1960's (I believe) he got
bored and hooked his lie detector up to a plant growing in his office, and
to his surprise noted that it registered on the detector.

He then started wondering about the plant's ability to emit detectable
frequencies, and wondered if he could affect the plant's behaviour.  He made
menacing moves against the plant (a rhodendren, I believe) and to his
amazement saw the lie detector peg the meter.

He kept this experimentation up for some time, and found that he could
communicate his intentions from one plant to another, and many more amazing
examples of human-plant energy exchange possibilities.  His story is told in
depth in Christopher Bird's book, The Secret Life of Plants.

It might change your opinion.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Monett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: CS>signals and frequencies

> CS>signals and frequencies
> From: Terry Chamberlin
> Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 08:33:24
>   >> ...there is no way a signal can come from the body...
>   > The problem  with this statement is in a narrow definition  of the
>   > words, *signal* and *frequency*.
>   Hi Terry,
>   Everyone seems to be taking a narrow interpretation of what  I said.
>   Here is my statement
>     "There is  no  measurable radiation from the human  body  at these
>     frequencies. You  cannot measure it with an  antenna  and spectrum
>     analyzer. I owned a HP 8568A spectrum analyzer for many  years and
>     can absolutely guarantee there is no measurable radiation from the
>     human body at 50MHz. Or from bottles of oil, or lumps of soil."
>     "However, there  is  no way a signal can come  from  the  body, as
>     Tainio claims. His BT3 instrument is a scam."
>   Please do not attribute my words to other areas outside the topic we
>   were discussing, which is frequency measurement with the  Tainio BT3
>   system.
>   An instrument  that  claims to measure signals  produced  by plants,
>   bottles of oil, lumps of soil, or the human body at  the frequencies
>   and under the conditions described on his web site is a scam.
> Best Wishes,
> Mike Monett