At 07:14 AM 8/19/2004, Nenah wrote:
The thing to realize about trauma is that it generally creates acidic wastes in the system. Acidic wastes can be caused by:  Mechanical injury... Poor diet, anything that isn't lots of GREEN VEGGIES... Pathogenic microbes. ..They *love* sugars and thrive on stress hormones. Their waste products are acidic. They body responds by secreting even more stress hormones...Negative thoughts and feelings...

The best way I have found to neutralize these wastes is with Super Greens and Prime pH, made by Inner Light. I don't want this to be a commercial, so you can
read about it on my website and order it from me if you want.

This information strikes a chord!!  I have been trying to rid myself of a terrible case of Acid Reflux for several years, not wanting to buy into the Purple Pills my doc suggests.  It was terribly exacerbated after elective surgery and antibiotics, after I broke my hand when I crashed my bicycle, and in stressful events, but it was always with me, even in calmer times.  I tried a LOT of things, besides the everpresent antacids when all else failed (as many as 6 or 8 a day, sometimes), some of which were:  fresh ginger juice (squeezed from roots), relaxation tapes, various digestive enzymes, probiotics and acidophillis,  coral calcium, and I don't recall what all!  Acupuncture seemed to cure me temporarily, but then it came back and I learned I would need on-going "tune up" sessions to maintain the improvement -- expensive at $50 a visit.  I even tried going wheat free for a few months, when it seemed that I might have a wheat sensitivity.  Helped awhile, but other foods then became suspect.  I think I simply had developed a "leaky gut," and numerous foods triggered the response.  I tried Primal Defense (learned about it from Rubin's "The Maker's Diet."), but did not do so consistently, and according to directions.  (Big mistake!)

Then, I got the monthly Cure Your Cancer newsletter from Bill Henderson (by all means sign on, if you haven't!!) a few months ago, and he just happened to mention in passing that his wife's chronic acid reflux problem had been solved by Primal Defense.  I went back and tried it again, the right way this time, and BINGO!  -- that did it!  Soil based organisms and other good stuff crowd out the wee beasties in the gut that are bad, and encourage the colonization of the good ones.  Bill was right.  I have had blessed relief ever since, no matter what I eat!  And if I go a few days without it, the acid comes back -- sure proof!

With AR, I realized my whole system must be acid.  Litmus paper tests prove it to be VERY acid.  Unfortunately, even with stomach problems lessened, that remains true.  I can't seem to beat that.  I have a pretty good diet -- not much sugar, lots of veggies and not much meat.  I take a couple of spoonfuls of a good greens supplement every day along with the Primal Defense.  I use coral calcium, which I have read is supposed to be alkalizing.  I don't have a stressful life.  Most of my negative thoughts and feelings have to do with politics and politicians, not with personal relationships or events, so if I don't turn on the TV, that helps!  ;-)   Loving family and friends are supportive.

I really want to beat the acid system condition, as I read everywhere that it contributes to a host of degenerative conditions, including cancer, which I already had, and don't want again, thank you very much! 

So...I will look further into your suggestions, and those of the other kind folks who answered my plea for help, and will try to kill both those bothersome birds at the same time -- the tendonitis pain in my arms AND the acidic system!  A GREAT BIG WARM THANK YOU TO ALL WHO RESPONDED!  I have saved your comments to a special file.  I am going out of town for a couple of days to an early childhood curriculum convention to promote my reading program (now THAT's a subject I can deal with!  If any of you have young kids or grandkids struggling with beginning reading, write me at my e-mail address for guaranteed help!) but I will look further into solving MY  problems via YOUR helpful information upon my return!

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