I am NOT a fan of Primal Defense or their related products. The company gave me intentionally misleading information about whether there was iodine content in their products after I specifically told them I had a violent iodine allergy. It wasn't until I wrote again, and repeated my request for info that they grudgingly and rather rudely said, the products are grown on seaweeds, so do contain iodine. They should have said so in response to my first request, but they (in my mind) lied. So they have lost all credibility with me. Some people do have good results from using their stuff. But I won't buy anythng from a company that misleads and fudges their answer to a request from a customer with a severe allergy who NEEDS accurate and truthful and complete information. And had I believed their first answer ( I didn't because it didn't ring true--it sounded false), I could easily have been in for many more months of severe eczema, as it was a course of their Candida product which you are supposed to do before taking the Primal Defense did absolutely nothing for my candida, and I did follow directions to the letter. That product, also grown on seaweeds probably contributed a lot to months of pain and suffering for me. I write this not to argue with any one who has had good results from the GOL products, but as a warning to anyone with an allergy who may be considering using them. Be sure you get a thorough and detailed answer to any inquiries, not a brush off.

patriot2...@mindspring.com wrote:

At 07:14 AM 8/19/2004, Nenah wrote:

The thing to realize about trauma is that it generally creates acidic wastes in the system. Acidic wastes can be caused by: Mechanical injury... Poor diet, anything that isn't lots of GREEN VEGGIES... Pathogenic microbes. ..They *love* sugars and thrive on stress hormones. Their waste products are acidic. They body responds by secreting even more stress hormones...Negative thoughts and feelings...

The best way I have found to neutralize these wastes is with Super Greens and Prime pH, made by Inner Light. I don't want this to be a commercial, so you can
read about it on my website and order it from me if you want.
Primal Defense. I went back and tried it again, the right way this time, and BINGO! -- that did it! Soil based organisms and other good stuff crowd out the wee beasties in the gut that are bad, and encourage the colonization of the good ones. Bill was right. I have had blessed relief ever since, no matter what I eat! And if I go a few days without it, the acid comes back -- sure proof!

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