For those wishing to increase their antioxidant capacity.

Antioxidant quality can be determined by ORAC scores
(ORAC - Oxygen radical absorbance capacity)

The following information might be helpful:

From:  Brunswick Laboratories (Wareham, MA)

Brunswick Laboratories in co-operation with Dr. Ronald Prior at the U. S.
Department of Agriculture are responsible for the development of the ORAC

The ORAC test is a reliable and recognized standard for the antioxident
capacity of natural products which measure the ability of a substance to
absorb, or quench, the peroxyl radical, one of the most important reactive
oxygen species in the human body.

Comparative hydrophilic ORAC analysis with a variety of food products.

Product            ORAC 1 per 6 oz        ORAC 2 per 100 grams
Berry Young Juice2    1,200            3,900
Xango2                         550            1,840
Tahaitian Noni 2           500            1,710
Himalayan Goji2           400            1,350
1. micromales Trodox equivalent
2. Test conducted on a single sample of unopened retail product
These vales represent the antioxidant capacity of the prducts tested per one
fluid ounce serving and per 100 grams.

Contact me off line if you want to know about BYJ.

From: Sally Khanna <>

In the study of herbal medicine, I was taught that miso can counter act the
effects of x-rays.
Many people I know take lots of miso soup after x-rays.


Paul Holloway <> wrote:
I agree that early detection is a good thing - thermography will detect
breast cancer earlier than mammography, with zero risk.
Those who decide to go ahead with a mammography might consider taking large
doses of antioxidants before and after to reduce free radical damage caused
by radiation.
It's hard to balance harm against benefit in screening tests like this.
That's why I think it's a shame that thermography isn't in wider use.
Paul H

----- Original Message -----
At 05:48 PM 8/27/2004, you wrote:
>1. Studies do not show that routine mammography reduces
>mortality - 

Maybe large statistical studies don't -- I am sure that is true, but for any
one individual, it can mean the difference between life and death.  I am
also quite sure that I would be deader than a dornail right now, if my
breast cancer had not been identified in time by a mammogram.   It was
already an inch in diameter, and I could not even feel it -- nor had it been
visible on a mammogram the year before.   I am a seven year (eight this
December) "survivor," -- so far (breast cancer can come back anytime) --
after doing the things the allopathic docs recommended:  lumpectomy,
lymphoidectomy (ouch!) followed by radiation and Tamoxifen (and a year of
shark cartilage I decided to take myself to "mop up" any little cells that
might be left).   But if it comes back again -- I will go the surg! ery
route, perhaps even the radiation, but chemo -- NYET!  I'll try any
alternative that seems to be worth its salt, instead.  I have a friend dying
of her metastasized breast cancer right now -- her loving husband tried to
get her to go the alternatives route right after diagnosis, but she followed
the advice of a family member in the medical profession and has instead made
her last weeks miserable with the chemo.  Docs decided it wasn't helping so
quit that and decided to give her massive radiation to make the tumor
smaller.  That, too, is making her very ill.  Duh...

A few years back, I also had another friend who had metastasized breast
cancer and was facing imminent death take my advice and bring herself back
from death's door with Benefin shark cartilage (now banned by our friendly
FDA who clamped down on Dr. Lane, its developer, proponent, and supplier),
whereupon she lived happily and healthily for a year past the time she
should h! ave died, eating like a horse, working full time, and playing
tennis twice a week, until her dimwitted son read on the Internet that shark
cancer was all a scam and told her she was wasting her money.  She stopped
using it, went back on chemo at her doctor's behest and was dead in three
months.  Not from the cancer.  No...from an opportunistic infection which
grew deadly from a little cold -- it attacked her damaged immune system and
killed her six days later.

The best chances for a cure are WHEN THE CANCER IS DIAGNOSED EARLY.  I think
surgery is our best bet from the mainstream docs.  Anything after that is a
crapshoot.  And that is why I keep a very large archive of alternative
cancer treatments.  I advise others to do the same.  A great start is Bill
Henderson's comprehensive book about Curing your Cancer, and his free Cure
Your Cancer e-newletter.  Write him here to sign on.
