I believe you could make a similar device quite easily by using copper
tubing, and silver wire. Simply wind the silver wire around the copper
tube and silver solder at the ends.  The only problem might be cleaning


brick...@aol.com wrote:

>  A Nature2 cartridge treats only 1000 gallons.  OK for a hot tub but a
> little short for the swimming pool.  I believe they are around $22.
> If I wanted to treat my swimming pool I would need 8 cartridges.  Two
> years ago I used 8 gallons of CS and 1 gallon of CCu in my pool.
> Christmas tree customers were remaking how clean my pool water was.  I
> can make CS much cheaper than the Nature2 cartridge but I leave for
> Arizona after Christmas and trust one of my sons to take care of the
> hot tub.  He sometimes forgets.  It might be better to buy a cartridge
> to use when I am down south, and he could pretty well forget the
> chemicals.Brickey

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