FDA has taken action against colloidal silver products, and is continuing to investigate the promotion and use of colloidal silver products in dairy and other animals. If necessary, FDA will take further appropriate regulatory action.

About.com: http://www.fda.gov/cvm/index/updates/silver.html <http://asthma.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.fda.gov/cvm/index/updates/silver.html>


Jim Meissner wrote:

Dear Nenah:

Thank you for your chicken facts.

I am a beginner just starting out and following Joel Salatin's "Egg mobile"
and "Feather net" system.  This involves a portable chicken house with egg
nests on skids that gets moved every day or so.  This is surrounded by an
electrified poultry fence to keep the predators out.  This is a sort of free
range model in that the chickens can forage for bugs and greens.  The
chicken poop also fertilizes the grass.

Joel Salatin collects about 100 dozen eggs per day with his "free range"
system involving about 1400 birds.  I am planning for about 100 birds to
start with.

According to the book I am reading a chicken is born with over 4000 eggs and
normally will lay only 10% of that number.  The average is 250 for the first
year and decreases thereafter.  A healthy chicken will lay for 10-12 years.
The rule of thumb is that after 2 years it costs more to feed them than you
will get back in egg sales.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>