Hi Beth,

I sent you the items I promised to buddertyr...@hotmail.com and they all
were returned to me as undeliverable. Please send me a site where I can send
the 3 pages of CS USES and the 1 page of CS useful references.

Mike's letter is close to the info that I sent you explaining that you don't
have to be so exact in order to make good useful CS if you keep it simple;
use only pure silver .999 to .9999; good pure distilled water and low
current (3 or 4  9 v/ batteries) for the proper time; checking with
inexpensive laser light for Tyndall effect. Add NO other items till after
your CS is generated.
Good luck and let me know how I might help.
Richard Harris, 56 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:38 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>will this learning curve yield knowledge?

Greetings and welcome, Beth!

You're taking the necessary next step by asking for help. You've
certainly done all the "lurking" anybody could ask you to do. <grin>

> I cannot figure out how important the PPM's are, and I wonder how I
> would test my homemade CS to determine if I have, in fact, truly
> acheived the goal of making CS.

It's almost impossible to *not* make CS with any decent homebuilt or
store bought generator and good distilled water. Just steer clear of
salt or other additives during brewing. (As a general rule. There are
some exceptions which aren't important here.)

The *exact* ppm is only important for the scientific type who's really
trying to nail down the details. For the rest of us, following any good
recipe and getting it "about right" is just fine. Most of us aim for
somewhere between "a few" and "a couple dozen" ppm. <grin>

The key is, then, to "dose for effect." If it works, great. If not, try
more. Working *too* good -- as in giving you a Herx reaction? Then back
off some. Start slow and ramp up your dose until you see something

If you just *must* know your ppm, you can send samples of your brew to
local water quality labs for assay, but the results tend to be less
than repeatable. There are a couple of folks who hang around these CS
groups who'll do testing, too.

You can also get an idea of the concentration from batch to batch by
either a) putting a digital multimeter in line to measure cell current,
or b) buying one of the conductivity based meters from Hanna
Instruments. Look for either their TDS-1 (okay and cheap), or their PWT
(much better and only a bit more expensive).

These methods won't tell you exact ppm, but they'll give you a number
related to conductivity. *That's* related to concentration, but only if
you keep everything exactly the same as time goes on. At best it's good
for a ball park idea -- which is ultimately good enough for normal use.

> Is there a "Colloidal Silver for Dummies" book or website that can I can
> consult and refer to as I navigate the complex waters of this listserve?
>  I'm usually a quick study but this CS stuff is not sinking in.

I'll let others post their links.

> Six weeks of reading this  list's digests seems to be generating more
> questions than answers for me.
> Sorry to be such a whiny newbie.

HA! The only thing you should've done different is start asking sooner!

You've found out some of the things you don't understand. You've asked
a couple of good questions to start filling in the gaps. Keep up the
good work.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>