Susie wants to know:

> What kind of dosages do individual people take and why and what has it
> helped? 

Okay, I'll get the ball rolling:

I make CS using low voltage DC with a current control diode in the 
line. My main electrode is a 1 oz silver bullion coin. So I have a 
pretty low current density, which probably results in a largely ionic 
CS, as well as particles of reasonably small size. There's a weak 
Tyndall effect that's only visible in a darkened room.

I have no clue what the ppm is.

If nothing in particular is going on, I'll take a swallow or two a 
week, whenever I think about it. No, I can't get any more precise than 
that unless you want me to take a swallow and spit it out into a 
measuring cup... <sheesh!!>


If I think I'm at risk of some kind of plague, I'll up that to a 
swallow or two per day until I lose interest and fall back to my normal 
habit. If I seem to be *getting* such a plague, I'll take several 
swallows a day, whenever I think about it, until the danger seems to be 

By "take a swallow" I mean pouring a few "glugs" (uncalibrated) into my 
upturned mouth (so as not to contaminate the bottle of CS with my 
saliva), then swishing it around as long as I can, which is usually 
limited by my rather short attention span, forgetfulness, or the need 
to verbally reprimand my daughter for whacking her brother with the end 
of a broom handle... 

Ahem! What was I saying?

This may mean anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. It is not 
readily quantified.

What has it helped? Well, my first efforts with CS yielded a period of 
3 1/2 years in which I didn't get so much as a cold. That was after at 
least a decade of recurrent bronchitis and strep infections and 
multiple courses of antibiotics each year.

Of course I did eventually catch a respiratory plague of some sort 
after having gotten slack in taking it. Since then I have only rarely 
gotten ill, and always during those slack times I've not been using 
much CS.

One thing for sure is that I have not needed a single antibiotic in the 
7 or so years I've been taking CS. In fact, no one else in my family 
has, either.

Nowadays, I'm using CS as part of a modified 4-part Beck protocol as a 
substitute for the parasite cleanse recommended before doing the Clark 
style liver cleanses I've been doing since January or February. So at 
least every other week I'm taking regular doses of CS leading up to my 
next cleanse.

The cleanses are certainly yielding the predicted output of "stones", 
and have apparently given me a bit of an energy boost. I plan to 
persist until the yield drops off and my liver is "cleansed."

There. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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