At 09:55 AM 9/22/2004, you wrote:
>  A question:  My chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
>discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to see if
>my adrenal glands were working right.]

I have seen muscle testing done.  It is impressive to watch, and apparently can tell you IF a weakness or physical illness exists.  However, the person doing it said NOTHING about its ability to IDENTIFY a particular bacterium or other CAUSE of the weakness or illness.    Educated guesses may be accurate, or not.  Perhaps, you could ask your allopathic physician to order up a lab strep test to diagnose whether you actually have strep or not.  Then you can decide how to go about treating it if it exists -- up your CS intake, divide doses, add another agent to it, etc.. 

I think my doc is pretty good at diagnosis of things caused by an identifiable agent.  Where we generally differ is on what to do after the problem is identified! ;-)


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