I'm having similar problems.  What is GSE??


sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com> wrote: Thanks very much. I will try it!

Ken & Nancy wrote:

>Hey Sol,
>I can sympathize with you, I've felt after a few bouts with cold that CS
>didn't work as well as GSE. I've tried GSE with colds and bronchitis and it
>works really good. I usually would take 4 capsules of the liquid form
>throught the day with food. Just pour the liquid into empty capsules.
>Admittedly, I took CS/gatorade and GSE in the same day, but the CS/gatorade
>alone never did a whole lot for me.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "sol" 
>Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:19 PM
>Subject: RE: CS>Sinus Infection
>> I have actually been taking mouthfuls of CS-gatorade exactly as you
>>suggest many, many times per day, and have been doing so every day for
>>the whole damn 13 days I have had this cold. The cold is following a
>>"normal" course, anyway. The CS-gatorade may be helping keep away some
>>secondary stuff, but frankly it doesn't seem to be doing much at all-----
>>I really did have to nebulize the CS-MSM-DMSO and also use it as nose
>>drops, and sinus wash (alternated with CS-Xylitol for a couple days
>>there), in order to stop it going into a secondary sinus infection and
>>to stop it going into my lungs, too. The oral use just does not do that
>>for me. I don't know why, but it just doesn't
>> My mix for nebbing and nose drops is similar to yours, but I have
>>found that 1 tsp msm to 1 oz CS makes a saturated solution, more just
>>settles out. I can't handle more than about 2 or 3 drops of 70% DMSO per
>>oz of CS.
>> Is it really ok to use DMSO in a solution that has H202 in it? I have
>>a vague recollection I read something that would say not to mix H202 and
>>DMSO, but I can't remember clearly what or where that was. Is there some
>>research or other writing on it somewhere?
>>Richard Harris wrote:
>>>>Hi Sol,
>>>>Sorry to hear about your problems--May I suggest you take 1 part CS + 2
>>>>parts Gatorade in mouthful doses (holding in mouth for a couple minutes,
>>>>then swallowing). Your sinus wash formula sounds very good, but I add 4
>>>>H2O2 3% to a gal CS after I first generate, then to this CS/H2O2 I'd add
>>>>your MSM & DMSO.
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