Garnet- I've lived and worked outside all my life, all in NC, SC & GA.
Nobody needs to twist my arm about it- the weather is not only changing, it
has changed. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, not given to thinking anything
along those lines, so I don't attribute it to human activity. I myself have
seen an aurora here in southeastern NC in the past year, and the last an
aurora was seen in the Carolinas was supposedly the late 30's or early 40's.
Since 1998 I have seen terrifically unpredictable weather here and watched
major weather outlets as they scrambled to keep up with changing forecasts,
forecasts that I very often could see were wrong as they gave them.
I've been barely attuned to what you're saying, but I'd like to learn more.
Probably best on the OT list.
What was that earth changes link you were going to post? I think you left it
Also what exactly is a solar minimum?


-----Original Message-----
From: Garnet []
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:59 AM
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>Solar Minimum is Coming

While initially this may appear more appropriate to the OT List I post
it here because of the many physical effects Solar Storms have on our
bodies when they are directed Earthward. As many of you may know we have
been hammered by a four year solar maximum since 2000, with an increase
in activity since 1998. In the past this 11 year cycle has been
predictable in it's one year maxiumum. Not so this time around. With
megastorms as high as 45,000 photon units many scientists have called
this a megacycle as long as 3,000 - 26,000 years.

The Geomagnetic Storms have effects on nerve transmission, cause
headaches and flu like symptoms, low blood pressure, irritability, can
cause heart attacks in compromised heart patients (CCUs are now being
shielded), mental emotional brain fog and moods similar to the full

During this four years I have searched high and low for "remedies" or
prevention for these effects. When living in Seattle, and getting more
of the effects, the larger storms would flatten me, literally.
I got a lot of fearful blank stares when I would ask local naturopaths
and other alt health workers. One even told me she did not live in fear
-- I said heck I am not afraid I just want something to stop the dang
headaches -- she walked away, obviously split off and terrified of
anything she did not understand, nor did she try to understand.

I see the Aurora regularly here in central Texas during the stronger
storms. I have seen the scintillation in the morning air during a large
storm. It is a fascinating topic, this solar cycle, but also could be
reflective of the many cycles that are predicted to be coinciding right

I see many health effects but few solutions and even less discussion.

I will forward NASA latest Space Weather Report. There are daily and
weekly email lists that keep us informed of the state of the Sun.

Also I will forward an alt newsletter that follows Earthchanges and
tries to keep an objective mind about it all.

Anyone else as intrigued as I am?

One more story. In 1964 David Suzuki PhD called an international
conference to bring the world's scientific community up to speed on the
Solar Cycle. They were concerned then that they were seeing storms of
2500 photon units. There was a buzz for about a year and then everyone
conspicuouly stopped talking, at all! Now we have storms of 45,000
units. Hmmm . . . and then Soho got knocked out last year during a
particularly intense period so even less information on the state of the


-----Forwarded Message-----
From: NASA Science News <>
To: NASA Science News <>
Subject: Solar Minimum is Coming
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 13:12:03 -0500

NASA Science News for October 18, 2004

Something strange happened on the sun last week: all the sunspots
vanished. This is a sign, say forecasters, that solar minimum is coming
sooner than expected.


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