On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 15:51, Mike Monett wrote:
> CS>Solar Minimum is Coming
> From: Garnet
> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 06:13:11
>   > While initially this may appear more appropriate to the OT  List I
>   > post it  here  because of the many physical  effects  Solar Storms
>   > have on  our bodies when they are directed Earthward.  As  many of
>   > you may  know we have been hammered by a four  year  solar maximum
>   > since 2000,  with an increase in activity since 1998. In  the past
>   > this 11 year cycle has been predictable in it's one year maxiumum.
>   > Not so this time around. With megastorms as high as  45,000 photon
>   > units many  scientists  have called this a  megacycle  as  long as
>   > 3,000 - 26,000 years.
>   > The Geomagnetic  Storms have effects on nerve  transmission, cause
>   > headaches and flu like symptoms, low blood pressure, irritability,
>   > can cause  heart attacks in compromised heart  patients  (CCUs are
>   > now being shielded), mental emotional brain fog and  moods similar
>   > to the full moon.
>   [...]
>   Garnet,
>   Your information  is  incorrect. A solar minimum  means  fewer solar
>   flares, not  more. 

Uh Mike, I think you need to reread my post. Yes a minimum is the lowest
point in the cycle and the maximum is the greatest number of flares and
sun spots.

> Your terminology is gibberish. A  megacycle  is 1
>   million cycles  per second. 

Megacycle has more than one meaning Mike. Mega means very large in
common parlance. Example: mega doses

> There is no such thing as a  photon unit
>   or megastorm. This is complete Babbletalk. Forget it.

Actually these are the terms used to discuss the phenomena when I first
began to research it. 

>   You may  see spectacular displays of Northern Lights during  a solar
>   maximum. The  effects  are hundreds of  kilometers  high,  where the
>   Earth's magnetic field and ionosphere shield us from the high-energy
>   particles.
>   A strong  storm  can  affect power  distribution  systems,  but only
>   because the  effects  are  spread   over  hundreds  or  thousands of
>   kilometers. The fields are far too weak to affect the  human nervous
>   system, and you cannot be affected. Forget the mental fog.

That has been proven false Mike by a joint research project involving
the U of WI and Soviet Scientists. I have seen their publications and
many hospitals are now sheilding their CCUs due to this very research.

Weak fields do affect our nerve transmission Mike. I am a
neuro-pharmacologist and have previously done reserach on weak fields
and their affects on rat brains as well as studied the research of
others in human neurology.

>   I responded to your post last October on solar flares  and explained
>   this in  detail. Perhaps you would review my post again  and  it may
>   help reduce your fears:
>     http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62968.html
>   So relax. A solar minimum means you have much less to worry about!
> Best Wishes,
> Mike Monet

Mike I think you need to take a chill pill and let others have their
opinions with hammering them, you are quite the unkind person, there are
many ways to interpret current data on solar activity. The consensus of
opinion is that we have been through a four year maxiumum and that the
minimum may be quicker in coming than expected. No one really knows.


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