At 08:14 AM 20/10/04, you wrote:
On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 15:51, Mike Monett wrote:
> CS>Solar Minimum is Coming
> From: Garnet
> Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 06:13:11
>   > The Geomagnetic  Storms have effects on nerve  transmission, cause
>   > headaches and flu like symptoms, low blood pressure, irritability,
>   > can cause  heart attacks in compromised heart  patients  (CCUs are
>   > now being shielded), mental emotional brain fog and  moods similar
>   > to the full moon.
>   [...]
>   Garnet,

Hi Garnet, Mike & folks,
In Kilneth's paper on Da Vinci as he pointed out, Leonardo - like most true "geniuses" was most fortunate in his almost total lack of formal education. We are conditioned/brainwashed into accepting/believing the most absurd notions as "fact/true". I recall as a gauche young psychologist undergoing an introductory briefing on the patient management system at a mental institution, almost laughing out loud at the notion of the "full moon syndrome".
10 days later I went through the first one.
A lot of personal research later, the famous "Shellfish Radiation Recognition" experiment, amongst others, showed me that there was really very little known/accepted about many things......... ah, the days of innocence....



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