Re: CS> CS and the blood-brain barrier
From: mamapug
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 08:51:57

  >> The term  "oligodynamic" was first used by von Nageli in  1893 to
  >> define a  material  that is "effective in  small  quantities." It
  >> includes heavy metals such as mercury, copper, and silver.

  > Silver is  NOT  a heavy metal, it is  a  transitional  metal, also
  > known as a noble metal, along with gold and copper.

  > Marshalee

  Marshall and Marshalee,

  Thanks for  the correction - I guess I picked that up  from  the von
  Nageli reference. Roger Altman talks about the possibility  of heavy
  metal poisoning in his groundbreaking study on silver:

    "While some  of  these crude techniques did produce  some  CS, the
    product itself, nor its concentration, could be relied upon  to be
    consistent from  batch  to  batch,   or  to  contain  enough small
    particles to  have much biological activity (while  minimizing the
    dangers of heavy metal poisoning)."

  However, Jason has a nice page that settles the issue:

    "Is silver a heavy metal?"

    "Silver, medically, does not share the toxicology  associated with
    what are  commonly   described   as   heavy  metals.  Legally, the
    definition of what is or is not a heavy metal varies  depending on
    which regulatory agency one queries. According to SIGNA's medicare
    qualification documents, silver is not a heavy metal."

    "The term  heavy metal is not truly a scientific  term,  and there
    has never  been  consensus  on the meaning  of  this  term  in the
    scientific community.  Classification of 'heavy  metal'  has never
    been scientifically  based on any actual  quality  associated with
    any element, although many adaptations to the periodic  table have
    been attempted. There is no basis from a biological  standpoint, a
    chemical standpoint,  or   any  other  scientifically demonstrable
    standpoint including  any medical significance that  would suggest
    any actual significant meaning for the term heavy metal as applied
    to silver, or any other metal."

  So, transitional it is:)

Best Wishes

Mike Monett

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