Thank you Mike;
I've been chugging Colloidal Silver for over two years now. My family and friends use it also after seeing what it can do. I dropped from the Silver list for a while because of computer problems. It (the context) seems to have changed somewhat. I'm usually a lurker but I did not know what EIS meant. So why use that and not colloidal? Anyway it works, whatever it's called I guess.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Monett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS> CS and the blood-brain barrier

Re: CS> CS and the blood-brain barrier
From: John W
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 17:05:13

 > OK, I  give  up. What is EIS? This forum is  getting  way  to many
 > acronyms, lets  type  in English for us who are  not  first letter
 > physics.

 > Thanks, John

 Hi John,

 The acronyms  can be confusing, especially when they  mean different
 things to different people:)

 However, there is so much incorrect information published on cs that
 will be around forever, so a few simple acronyms really don't change
 the picture  much.  It  will   always  be  confusing,  especially to

 EIS stand  for  "Electrically  Isolated Silver",  and  the  term was
 intended to  distinguish  ionic silver from the  multitude  of other
 versions, such  as  particulate, or compounds  such  as  mild silver
 protein (MSP - another acronym), silver acetate, etc.

 However, EIS  can  have more than one interpretation,  so  it really
 doesn't solve the identity problem, and it is starting to  fall into

 Most people  use the term "cs" when referring to  ionic  silver, and
 the other  forms  of silver are discouraged due  to  poor biological
 activity and/or the high risk of Argyria.

 The Silver  List  and the two Yahoo forums use the  term  cs  as the
 acronym for  "colloidal  silver",   and   the  preponderance  of the
 discussions are  on  the ionic form. So  whether  it  is technically
 accurate or  not, the term cs referring to ionic silver  is probably
 better understood than any other.

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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