All I can do to answer some of your questions is run a new high ppm batch, but I can say I do NOT try to measure conductance with the gen running and current flowing. I remove the generator and measure uS immediately. Actually, I do not believe it is necessary to let it sit an hour or a day, as the uS is pretty equivalent to the amount you would measure if you took a reading after 24 hrs and used the 1.2 formula. But, of course, you are saying not to use that formula as the silver content the formula accounts for would be oxides and useless, have I got that right?

Frankly I do not have the time to baby sit a batch of silver, high ppm or otherwise, as you suggest, it would be far too tedious. When running a high ppm batch, I do stop and remove the gen and clean the electrodes occasionally, but only when I'm right there doing some other task, and only every 2-3 hours at best. I do stop the gen, remove it, and let the batch sit overnight rather than let it run overnight. I don't get a reading I want the first day, I'll run it the next day as well, but again, stopping and cleaning electrodes only as fits with my schedule. Whatever I am producing, it works, and for topical use works better than my standard EIS for me. It may have a lot of oxides, and probably has a lot of particles as well, but if the PWT reading stays high it must contain a heck of a lot of silver ions as well, isn't that so?

Off to start a high ppm batch now from a regular batch I made 2 days ago.

Mike Monett wrote:

 Thanks for replying and explaining your procedure.  Unfortunately, I
 was expecting  a  slightly  different  answer.  I  thought  you were
 turning the  cs  generator off for several minutes to  let  the ions
 reach a  uniform  distribution, then turning it on  again  to  add a
 small amount  of  new  silver  to  the  solution  before  the Nernst
 diffusion layer had a chance to build up again.

 This would  work, but it would be very tedious to do it  manually. A
 better idea  would be to add a simple electronic timer  to  turn the
 current on and off.

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