Re: CS>Re : CS>best pppm of CS to make and use
From: Ode Coyote
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 05:55:00

  >> 30uS? That  is rocket fuel! How do you reach that  without having
  >> it turn yellow before the brew is done? I can't get much above 24
  >> ppm before it starts showing a yellow tint.

  > That particular  batch did go yellow by the next  day,  however, I
  > have made  batches  up  to 78 uS that  never  did.  Not's
  > really iffy  past around 20- 24 uS. Some anomoly in the  water may
  > account for  being  able to make really  high  concentrations that
  > don't yellow 'sometimes'.

  Thanks for the additional info. Yes, I got what I believe was 45 ppm
  once, but  never  could repeat it. Before Jason  jumps  on  this and
  claims it was something to do with structured water, I  attribute it
  to an  unusual pattern of convection currents that happened  to keep
  most of the anions and cations away from their respective electrodes
  so they  couldn't  combine   to   form   oxides.  Also,  perhaps the
  electrodes were new, so they were very smooth and didn't concentrate
  the current at sharp points.

  Based on  my  experiments on making ions visible, I'm  working  on a
  method that  should  give  40 to 45 ppm every  time  with  much less
  sensitivity to   dw   quality.   You   have   discussed  this method
  previously, so I'll let you know how well it works.

  I found that ionic cs can have quite high concentration  without any
  problems. I  evaporated 1 inch of 20 ppm cs down to 1/8  inch, which
  gave a concentration of 20 * 8 = 160 ppm. There was no indication of
  color and the solution seemed very stable.

  This shows the Nernst diffusion layer must concentrate the ions to a
  very high value, perhaps 10X or more. Of course, the  higher current
  density with  the  3  or 4 nines  will  increase  the multiplication
  factor and  limit the resulting ppm to low values.  Also,  any sharp
  corners on  the  electrodes  can have a  significant  effect  on the
  maximum achievable ppm before it starts to show yellow for  the same

  > I brought  up  the effect of dropping a piece of  copper  into the
  > brew to  point out that some water contaminant  traces  can change
  > everything. The  copper  isn't "connected  or  charged"  yet pulls
  > every bit  of silver out of the water eventually.  First sparklies
  > drop out, then TE vanishes, then all conductivity. The copper sits
  > there shiny  as  a new 'old' penny unless some of  the  black crud
  > dries on it...then it's silver plated.

  I think something similar is done in a high school chem demo.  And I
  definitely agree trace contaminants can have a big influence  on the
  cs process.  Also,  the chloramines that Sol  menioned  may  be very
  significant. Apparently  they are not ionic and do not show up  in a
  TDS or  PWT  measurement,   but   can   have  a  dramatic  effect in
  applications that need pure water. The GE page says activated carbon
  removes chloramines:

  The problem  is how do we know if they are in the dw, and how  do we
  tell if  they are removed by filtering? And is  there  anything else
  that does similar things???

  > Incidently, I've  been  making colloidal  copper  with  the latest
  > evolution of  the  silverpup  and  found  that  it  does something
  > similar. Very  Nice TE for a few days, then a few  sparklies, then
  > nothing but some blue grey crud on the bottom.

  Very interesting.  Can you tell more about the process? What  is the
  ppm, and what do you do with the electrodes?

  > If CC is made without stirring of any sort, black  tendrils extend
  > outward for quite a distance.

  Yes, I got them every time. They seemed to come from the cathode and
  grew towards  the  anode.  They also sent  branches  out  like trees
  looking for more paths to the anode.

  I eventually  switched  over  to making 200  ppm  copper  acetate by
  sticking a  massive  wetted area electrodes  in  plain  vinegar. The
  solution comes  out  blue/green. But it had no  effect  on  the mold
  spores so I quit. All my clothes ended up green and smelly, so I had
  to throw them away:)

  > With even  thermal  stirring,  they  don't..looks  like  they wrap
  > around the  electrode  making it very black  and  a  little fuzzy.
  > Isn't copper oxide green or blue?

  Yes, usually  blue, green or a combination. I think the  black stuff
  may be conductive, since it seems to support growth of  the fingers,
  but that  doesn't help identify it. It could be copper that  made it
  all the  way to the cathode and plated out like silver  does  at low
  current density,  but  I  can't understand  why  it  would  be black
  instead of  copper color. Silver atoms are gray when they  appear at
  the cathode, and they don't make fingers extending towards the anode
  like copper.

  Also, the  black  copper material  definitely  responds  to electric
  fields. If  you turn off the current, they all droop down,  but they
  straighten out  when  you switch the current back on. So  I  have no
  clue what it could be.

  >> We really need to plot the voltage curve and verify it is linear.

  > I did..wanna  see it? It's not absolutely linear  but  close, then
  > flattens out

  Yes, you  bet! Can you send me the data? I'll stick it  in  WPlot to

  >> I just spotted a nice dvm at Radio Shack for about US$60...

  > That sounds  cool.  Then of course, I couldn't figure  out  how to
  > make data  plotting software do what I wanted and wound up  with a
  > pencil and graph paper. Dammit. LOL

  WPlot can be a bit tricky. Can you run plain dos? I wrote a graphics
  program that  can  handle multimillion data points,  but  it  uses a
  special memory  addressing  technique that only runs in  ring  0, or
  plain dos mode.


  >>>> But, if  the oxides contributed to the  conductivity,  the cell
  >>>> voltage would continue decreasing indefinitely.

  >>> I'll buy that beyond a point over 20 uS, but also look  at where
  >>> most of  the  oxides are..on the  electrode  surface...not doing
  >>> much in the way of conducting electricity.

  > I should have stated that better. If it's on the  electrodes, it's
  > not in the water doing the conducting.

  I guess I still don't understand the point. The oxides are not ionic
  like salts  and don't contribute to cell conductivity.  This  is why
  the cell voltage plateaus at the end.

  > Which brings  up another point: If the cell is left  connected but
  > not powered..a   battery   effect   that   reverses  things? Vague
  > suspicion of a memory of having read something about that  on some
  > EDU gobbledygook  website. I'll run a batch, disconnect  power and
  > attach a  voltmeter  and see what happens one day  soon.  Could be
  > interesting if not very relevent.

  I notice  that  all the time. There is a small  voltage  between the
  electrodes, perhaps  100 millivolts or so. I forget  which polarity.
  The short circuit current capability is very small. Perhaps it  is a
  small battery caused by contaminants in the dw or on the electrodes.
  Can't run your computer off it, or light a bulb:)

  >> The silver oxide would help form hydrogen gas at the cathode, but
  >> probably doesn't  contribute to silver ion release at  the anode.
  >> Otherwise it would shrink instead of growing thicker.

  >> I don't  think  we  can  say most  of  the  oxides  stick  to the
  >> electrodes. Probably more goes into the cs.

  > I have  seen  black  oxides go into the  water  at  higher current
  > densities and  concentrations...about  6  ma on 14  inch  x  12 ga
  > electrodes did the job. Don't recall the concentration as  I don't
  > keep data on things that don't work to my liking and am pretty bad
  > about keeping  it  on stuff I do like...maybe 30  or  40  uS? That
  > gallon batch  took on a black cast that cleared up in a  week with
  > black deposits on the bottom, never went yellow.

  Ken, we really got to get you interested in keeping  better records.
  How bout  if I write some software for the Radio Shack dvm,  and you
  use it for your experiments? That way we can annotate the  data with
  any observations you come up with.

  I'm sure  there  is  a wealth of  valuable  information  that passes
  through your  fingers  every day. We need to get some  of  it tucked
  away on a hard disk!

  >>>> [...]

  >>>> What happened  to the simple thermal stirring you used  to use?
  >>>> Actually, I  tried it as well as the other  methods,  and found
  >>>> running without  stirring worked best for me. Of course,  I use
  >>>> about 1/10th  the  current density you do,  so  the  brew takes
  >>>> longer.

  > At that  current density, Brownian motion probably  does  a pretty
  > good job  of stirring. All the batches I tried at  those densities
  > went yellow  at 20 uS and up before they were  done.  14 microamps
  > with 6" exposure on the electrodes if I recall.

  We need to find the posts in the archives. 14uA would take days.


  >>> There's more than one oxide of silver. [4, I believe]

  Yes, I  expect  there should be more types  produced  in  the Nernst
  diffusion layers due to the extreme ion concentrations.

  >>> Ag2O colour: dark brown to black. solubility/water @25C: 22 mg/L
  >>> AgO colour: charcoal gray powder, black crystal solubility/water
  >>> @20C: decomposes  in  water...which means? If you  see  any, the
  >>> water is already saturated with it?????..

  You would think so, but I have many records that show  visible black
  deposits on the electrodes when the Faraday equations show less than
  12 ppm  of silver was released into the solution.  Since  the oxides
  appear at  the  end  of  the brew, most  of  the  silver  remains in
  solution as ions, and very little is deposited as oxides.

  >> I generally  brew 22 ppm cs. The oxide collects on  the  anode in
  >> the last  1/2  hr or so, which is about the  same  time  the cell
  >> voltage starts to plateau.

  >> In my  system, silver is entering the solution at a rate  of 1.55
  >> ppm per  hour, so the final phase accounts for a  total  of about
  >> 0.75 ppm. The visible oxide on the anode may account for  half or
  >> less, with the rest wandering around in the solution as described
  >> above.

  > makes sense. How much does it take for it to be visible?

  We can  subtract the Hanna uS reading from the calculated  ppm. From
  all the information I can collect in the archives, and all  the data
  I have taken myself, it looks like very little is needed at or below
  22ppm with rounded electrodes. Maybe 1/2 ppm or so.

  The end of the brew is very sharp and well defined. Mine takes about
  6 to 8 hrs, and everything seems to happen at once. The cell voltage
  plateaus, the cathode gets Spanish moss, and black oxide  appears on
  the anode,  all within about 10 minutes. You have to be  right there
  watching to see it happening.

  >> So it is apparent the oxide that forms on the anode is  far below
  >> the solubility  figures stated in the chemistry books, and  it is
  >> still not in solution.

  > Wouldn't the concentration be much higher near the anode?

  Everything seems to happen at once at the end of the brew.  The cell
  voltage plateaus,  the  Spanish  moss appears,  and  the  anode gets
  coated all in about 10 minutes or less.

  This indicates the system reaches saturation and starts making oxide
  in the Nernst layer over a very small range of ppm. So the amount of
  oxide is far below the solubility figures given in the chem books.


  > H2O2 being  a free radical could both add an atom of  oxygen  to a
  > silver ion  and  oxidize it or scavange an atom of  oxygen  off an
  > oxide and make it pure silver releasing an O2 molecule???

  Adding H2O2 after the cs is made is very interesting. I'm sure there
  is something  else in the dw besides silver ions and water,  since I
  got this  effect  once  and  have  not  seen  it  since  changing dw

  One way that H2O2 might decompose is by donating an oxygen ion  to a
  silver ion to make AgO. The equation might be

    Ag(+) + H2O2 --> AgO + H2O

  But as you point out above, AgO decomposes in water. They  don't say
  what this means, but there might be several paths:

    2AgO --> 2Ag(+) + O2(g)

    3AgO --> Ag2O + O2(g)

  > The "explosion"  does  clear up to some extent  with  time  and no
  > indication of anything dropping out.

  I never had the patience to wait that long, so I never saw  it clear

  > Could that  be  an  emulsion like  effect?  [I'm  obviously  not a
  > chemist here..but something to consider perhaps]

  > Going beyond  theory,  how does one  test  the  difference between
  > silver oxide in solution and a silver particles in suspension when
  > [assuming it's possible] that both are present?

  Good question.  First,  there  has to be  a  balanced  equation that
  describes the process. Second, separate the particles  by centrifuge
  or freezing.  Then decompose to pure silver using  heat  or chemical
  means and measure the amount of oxygen liberated.

  > BTW I  do get your point about there being no free  electrons just
  > floating about  in the water. Just to be "difficult",  could stray
  > electromagnetic radiation supply something? We do live in a sea of
  > it.

  Cosmic rays  generate  muon showers that pass  through  our  body at
  about 500  per  second  at sea level. Some  of  these  will generate
  electrons in  water, but the amount is in the  femptoamp  or attoamp
  region which  is too low to see much effect. Remember,  we  are only
  dealing with a small volume of cs, so the capture area is  small and
  the resulting current is negligible. Here is a simple description:

  Natural background  radiation  also generates  ionizing  events, but
  they are also much too low to see any effect in cs.


  > If oxides are inert, silver particles are impossible and  ions are
  > all that do anything, the oxides would be irrelevent. So, high PPM
  > ionic...lots of  conductivity  would  be the  key  and  never mind
  > whatever else. But even though oxides might be inert in  the glass
  > of water, are they inert when exposed to all that  body chemistry?
  > No clue here.

  Using low  current density and watching the Faraday  calculation, it
  is possible  to  make ionic cs with very low oxide  content.  I find
  this much more effective than other brews that do generate oxides.


  >> Despite Jason's  comments on using low-ppm cs, I  definitely find
  >> high ppm ionic cs much more effective than the 5 to 10  ppm stuff
  >> from the typical 3 nines. It only makes sense that a  stronger cs
  >> will have greater effect.

  > Makes sense  to  me. But oft times,  various  'people'  don't make
  > sense while  others  do. Establishment medicine would  work  a lot
  > better if everyone made sense but it's obvious that  nothing works
  > the same  for everyone. Both views have merit if both  get results
  > and one persons success doesn't cancel out anothers failure.

  A lot  of things happen as we age. Our immune  system  degrades, the
  Herpes Zoster  virus that remained hidden in our spine comes  out to
  cause Shingles, we build up toxic materials absorbed over a lifetime
  that can reach levels that start affecting our health,  the bacteria
  and viruses get more difficult to kill, and so on.

  I'll go  with  high-ppm ionic cs. I know it works,  and  the low-ppm
  stuff doesn't anymore.


  > Ode

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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